Thursday, June 18, 2015

Misery Loves Company 6/18/2015

Good Morning,

I want to stop long enough to say, "You are loved". Just wanted everyone to hear that today. My morning brew is perking away and soon I will be drinking a huge cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. There is only one thing to say about that. I wish you were here to have a cup with me and munch on some breakfast. We could spend and hour praying and do more to solve the problems of the world than all the world leaders locked in a room together could do in 5 days.

One of my favorite books was published by Ducks Unlimited. The title is Misery Loves Company. Duck hunting alone is ok, but always best with a friend and your dog. Most duck hunters have been declared insane because when the weather is at it's worst in the fall, we all say, "Great day for duck hunting". Some of the most miserable weather has produced the best duck hunts.

Now that's the story for duck hunters. But in all reality have you ever noticed someone with a whiny, irritable, malcontent spirit always likes to have everyone around them suffer along in their self induced misery? The Bible has a lot to say about being one who complains and whines. It also then leads us as to how we should act. Maybe we should tell them that all that whining and complaining about everything really is a downer!

Proverbs 15:1-7 New International Version (NIV)
15 A gentle answer turns away wrath,
    but a harsh word stirs up anger.
The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge,
    but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.
The eyes of the Lord are everywhere,
    keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
The soothing tongue is a tree of life,
    but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.
A fool spurns a parent’s discipline,
    but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.
The house of the righteous contains great treasure,
    but the income of the wicked brings ruin.
The lips of the wise spread knowledge,
    but the hearts of fools are not upright

So today you can choose to build up those around you or tear them down by pouring out misery instead of love and contentment. You can choose the impact you have on others.

Pray through your answers today. Would you want to be around you today?

God bless,


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