Thursday, June 25, 2015

It's Five O'clock Somewhere 6/25/2015

Good Morning,

I want to shout from the top of our house this fine morning, "Wake up it's Five O'clock somewhere"!
But instead I will drink my cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee quietly and reflect a little.

Hebrews 10:24-25New International Version (NIV)
24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,

We all are different in many ways, Some of us are short, some are tall, not all of us are the same age, some are thin, some are heavy, some are talented, others are not. So many differences including where we live , what mood we are in at any given time, how we receive each other, what we do for a living, how we spend our leisure time, married, or single, widowed or divorced. Too may differences to list.

But one thing we all have in common is that each of us has access to twenty four hours a day, no more or no less, unless we die before a day is complete.

In your twenty four hours, how did you spend them? Were you available and approachable? How was your mood when encountering others? Were you respectful? Did you work hard to earn your pay? Were you blessed with something? Did you share? Was it your goal in your twenty four hours to be a blessing to someone else?

Each day is a gift from God. It's like receiving a box of chocolates as a gift. You open it in front of people and you have a choice to make. Do I share the chocolates or not? The same can be said for your life. Do I share myself today or not? I could bless others or not!

The other thing we all have in common is this, Once those twenty four hours are gone, they are gone forever. You can't get a re-do.

So make today count for others. a heart beats best when it beats for others.

God bless,


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