Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Ordinary Men, Extraordinary God 1/7/2015

Good Morning,

This day is starting to shape up as one of the coldest of the year here in Wisconsin. So an extra hot cup of Door County Red Velvet Mocha is going to be needed. This one satisfies not only my desire for a cup of coffee, but also satisfies my sweet tooth.

The Bible's pages are filled with examples of many Godly heroes. King David, Moses, Abraham, Solomon, Mary, Joseph, Peter, Paul, and man,y many, more. They were part of amazing feats of courage and miracles. I stand in awe of some of the things written about each of them. Yet not one of them claims to be anything but an ordinary man.

As I grow older and enjoy studying more I could not help but look into the lives of these Bible heroes. The conclusion that I come to is that all of them were just ordinary men or women. None of them were anything extraordinary when compared to other men and women. Moses for example led thousands out of Egyptian captivity. He stood up to the Pharaoh and told him just exactly what God wanted. He actually like most of us would do, tried to convince God that he could not perform what God required. Sounds to me like an ordinary man. Yet some of the greatest miracles were recorded by Moses and we all have read them and have been inspired. The parting of the Red Sea just had to be something else to see. But Moses did not part the Red Sea. God did that. What all these ordinary men and women have in common is an "Extraordinary God". A God of miracles, a God who builds character within men and women, a God who loves without measure, this God breathes life into all creatures.

Psalms 68:35                         
O God, You are awesome from Your sanctuary The God of Israel Himself gives strength and power to the people Blessed be God!

God is still extraordinary and desires to work though us showing how he takes ordinary men and women and accomplishes great and mighty things. When was the last time you accomplished something for God that most men thought was impossible? The food pantry in our church has fed hundreds of people. It was started many years ago by four teenage girls. There are times when the food within runs low and before you know it the shelves are full again. One box, one can at a time has fed hundreds. Four young girls followed God's call and He did the extraordinary.

We have an extraordinary God, how about committing your ordinary self and see just what He can do through you?

Good day!


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