Friday, January 16, 2015

Letting The Fire Burn Out 1/16/2015

Good Morning,

Friday has arrived right on time. My morning is starting with a big cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee. I have to be on my best this morning. Lots of important paperwork to finish.

One of the best things about having a fireplace is that final glow that comes from the last of the logs as the fire burns down for the night. All I have to do is add more wood and we are back to a blaze in no time flat. But since my house does not depend upon the wood for heat I don't keep the fire going at night. I prefer not to worry about a stray spark starting a fire and burning down the house.

Proverbs 26:20        
For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases

I have decided that gossip is a lot like wood on a fire. Where there isn't any gossip there is less arguments or quarrels. When my fireplace is low on flames there is that huge temptation to add more wood, but then I have to stay awake or close by the fireplace for safety's sake. When you hear a juicy bit of gossip there is that huge temptation to repeat it. So it is best to not accept that big log into your hearth to begin with. Like a fireplace loaded with wood, a person loaded with gossip spews forth information and trouble like hot heat from the fireplace. Even just a little fire can burn you or others.

When you make the healthy decision to not partake of gossip by listening or repeating it, there is less stress and struggles within your heart. So let the fire go out Friends. Choose this day to be gossip free.

Have a great weekend.


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