Monday, January 19, 2015

Fighting The Urge To Help 1/19/2015

Good Morning,

My day begins with a cup of Door County Apple Cobbler Coffee. My day will end trying to figure out how to down load pictures from my cell phone. That one project eluded me last night.

I know that many of us always want to help others and we should. But we also need to be smart and wise in how we help. I was listening to a co-worker complain about his adult child. It seems as if his son just quit another very good job because it just "wasn't a good fit". He told his father this and then asked if Dad would help him with his car payment.  This has been a repeated pattern of working for a few weeks and then quitting, sometimes without a notice. I asked my co-worker how many times he has paid the price because his son wouldn't keep a job? He replied that it has happened at least two times per year for the last 5 years. "I don't want his credit to suffer" he added.

My co-worker is an "enabler". Instead of saying no, he is enabling his son to be lazy. Many of us have unwittingly financed a drug purchase by handing out money to friends or relatives that just always seem to be in some trouble or another. Friends, we need to ask as to where the money is going and when it is apparent that it is going to no good we have to stop the enabling. This means no!

We are not helping when we choose to ignore the real issue and support a bad habit with time and money.

James 4:17New International Version (NIV)
17 If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.

We will be of more help at times when we say no, confront the issue and apply help that is truly needed.

Food for thought? Might be tough meat to chew on, but in reality you wanted to help?

God bless,

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