Friday, January 2, 2015

Grilled Salmon And Jesus

Good Morning,

The second day of a new year has started. My mug is filled again with Door County Candy Cane Coffee. I really enjoyed my day off from work yesterday. In my post on New Years Day I mentioned that I was out chasing pheasants with my hunting buddies and our dogs. We managed to shoot a few and preserve them in the freezer for later this month. We shot pretty well, but there is always room for improvement.

2 Corinthians 5:17King James Version (KJV)
17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

In the afternoon yesterday, I started our grill and cooked some salmon. I made sure to add some wet oak wood chips to the fire to increase the smoky flavor that I was desiring. As I stood outside with our dog Gibbs who was watching my every move and the grill smoking away, I took stock of my surroundings. The wind was blowing quite hard, but in the distance I could hear geese honking as they headed South in front of a snow storm headed our way. Two cardinals were feeding on seed in our neighbors yard. Our neighbor's children were throwing their new football around in the yard. I am sure it was a Christmas present.

My point is this, I was very content and happy yesterday. I was thankful to see my wife pull into the driveway as she returned from a long shift at the medical center. Her smile was warming and I again counted my blessings that she alone provides. Content, happy, and thankful would not have described me in the earlier days of my life. Simple things were never enough to be thankful for. Contentment wasn't even in my vocabulary. Happy to see kids play? No! I would have been wondering why the one boy could not throw a spiral pass and what could be possibly wrong with him. I would not have seen any joy in observing healthy kids having a good time.

So what's  the difference? In the early 1980's Jesus sought me out and I responded to His whisper. All things became new and I learned to appreciate where He took me, what He shows me, and what He desires to teach. I did not conform to His will right away. Unfortunately I made it a longer process than it needed to be. I wish I would have grown quicker. I wonder how many days like yesterday I partook in, but really wasn't there? How many times did I miss the song of the geese? How many times did I miss and not appreciate the smell of salmon grilling? How many times did I see kids playing and not pray for their future? How many times did my wife smile and I wasn't even aware of it, let alone appreciate it? How many times would I have loved just being outside with my dog?

I am glad that I can say that because of Jesus my view has changed.  What is clouding your view today? Start by looking through the lens of a forgiving and loving Savior. He is whispering your name right now. Take that first step by answering in faith and accept His gift of forgiveness by just asking. Then submit to following Him through the direction of the Holy Spirit. Jesus eventually brings those who are in Him to God the Father for eternity. But in the meantime, why not look at life through His eyes? You might be surprised as to what you have been missing.

God bless,