Friday, August 11, 2023

When The Work Stopped It Was Our Fault 8/11/2023

 Good Morning,

Another day where we will be hoping for some rain. So, I just poured a hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee and I am ready to write. 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always. 176. Pray without ceasing. 18. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 

I  am very comfortable this morning sitting in our den, and thinking about this last week. I was supposed to be helping a friend this morning haul brush from his property to the dump. It has been a long project and one that was interrupted by an attack from an ant colony. The other day we were loading up another truck load of brush from one of a few large piles. I grabbed an arm load full of debris just to find myself covered in ants that actually bite. My friend was wiping them off of me with his hands and I was doing the same thing. Within a minute they were inside my shirt and pants. In helping me, my friend transferred the little warriors on to himself. It had to be a sight watching to old men hop around. We completed our run to the dump and I went home to a shower, cortisone ointment and a bruised ego.

Unfortunately my friend did not recover as well as I did and the bites took more of a toll on him than we first expected. He will recover soon. What is bothering me is that we have an unfinished project. I looked at my upcoming schedule as well as his and we only have a short window of opportunity to complete this work. I noticed that one of my not so nice traits has surfaced. I do not like to start a project and then not finish it. And sometimes I can get ugly when faced with what I see is a failure to finish. Now I get even uglier when I see that the mishap could have possibly been prevented. In our hurry to succeed at our task, we did not start that day at the pile of irritation and pray for ourselves and our task. I have been kicking myself in the butt for the last two days. We prayed later. Too Late!!!!!

Any task, big or small should be prayed for. I learned once more a lesson that actually had my skin in the game. Of all people the two of us should have known better.  So my friends, once more a failure of mine becomes fodder for the daily blog. So to avoid having to undress in your garage, spray your clothes with ant killer and then swab your body with ointments, pray in all circumstances. 

Don't do as I do. Do as I say!


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