Thursday, August 3, 2023

Laughing Hard Felt Good. 8/3/2023

 Good Morning,

Another day another cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee to help wake me up and set me on my feet. it is time to write. 

I have said this before many times. But one of the biggest things I love about being married to my wife Rene is that we have laughed from our first date right through our 1000 years of marriage. No, our home is not comedy central, but just about every day we both find something amusing and we laugh together.

Proverbs 15:13 A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed. 

Many of you know, but some of you don't know that our first date was on a hot Saturday in August. I was doing youth work back then and my good friend Rene volunteered to help me get 70 kids down a river in canoes and then back home. The water was refreshing to say the least. The canoes were not very river stable and were easily tipped over, which I guess was part of the fun of the day. We did not make it more than75 yards down river when that canoe tipped over and we were sent scrambling for our paddles and other belongings. I did not know if laughing was a good idea, but when I saw Rene busting a gut I joined in. We laughed all day long. That canoe trip led to a late night pizza after all the teens were returned to their parents. That day of laughter led to a long marriage where we still enjoy a laugh and each other's company. 

Rene has many qualities, but the one I miss the most when we are away from each other is her laugh. 

Today I thank God or a wife who never takes herself too seriously and enjoys a good laugh. I also thank God for Dings Dock and The Crystal River. 

Laugh my friends. It is good for the soul.



  1. I have wonderful family memories of Dings Dock and the Crystal River canoe trips. Thanks for sharing! And reminding us to laugh :)

    1. That was a great family place.
