Monday, August 7, 2023

Pruning The Rose Bushes 8/7/2023

 Good Morning,

The day began awhile ago with a hot cup of Door County Bourbon Vanilla Cream Coffee and a Nana Bun for breakfast. 

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.

Yesterday was decorated with small chores that needed to be done. One of the chores, which I do not like is to prune the rose bushes. Each year I swear that I am removing those rose bushes from the South side of our home, but my threats have just been a lot of hot air with no action. These rose bushes have some of the sharpest and thickest thorns you have ever seen. If they stick me once in a summer season they stick me 10-15 times. Well, my wife and I both noticed that the bushes needed to be pruned down. They were growing wildly and beginning to become an eye sore. As beautiful as they can be, neither my wife nor I wanted to be around those bushes and their thorns. As far as I was concerned they could grow wild all summer and then hopefully the winter would kill them off. I have a bad attitude toward things that stab me. 

Now let me apply this to all of us. As much as I detest those thorns it reminds me of a lesson to live by. Yesterday while pruning the thorny nightmare, as careful as I was, and my wife was, we both still felt the thorn pierce some anatomy parts on us. 

Some people in our lives can be like the thorn on a rose bush. You have to tiptoe around them always wondering if an interaction with them will bring hurt and the sting of their thorny like verbiage. Even when you think that you have navigated a safe day from them, out of the blue comes a barb from the look they give you or they say something that hurts. You find yourself wishing that they fall in the snow on a below zero day and freeze to death. They take you to a place of hatred in your own heart. 

What can you do about it? First off pray for the thorn birds in your life. Not for them to die, but for God to pierce their heart and turn it from evil to good. Pray for wisdom on how to handle those who are the thorns in your life. Ask God to give you the words you need when dealing with them. If you are the thorn to someone else, it's time to be pruned and have your thorns removed. Treat others as you would want to be treated. Ask God to remove your heart of stone as well as theirs and replace it with one that beats for others and for God.

Have a great day!


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