Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Sad Day On The Radio. 8/29/2023

 Good Morning,

I am sitting at my desk and I am ready to write. My cup is filled with Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee and it is doing a great job on this damp day. 

My alarm clock is the type that has either a radio station for an alarm or a loud buzzer. My choice for my wake up noise is the radio. My choice of stations for the wake up duty is an AM all talk and news broadcast. 

This morning when the alarm sounded off the first thing I heard was that an eleven year old boy was clinging to life after being run down on the street by a speeding, reckless driver. Not the best news for a wake up message. Imagine what his family is going through this morning waiting for the boy to move ahead in the healing process, or not make it at all. 

To be struck down while walking, by an automobile that was being driven out of control did not have to happen. Should this young boy die, I would have to call this murder, not an accident. 

Proverbs 14:16 One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is reckless and careless.

A choice was made to drive in a reckless manner, just the same as the choice someone makes to shoot another person. It is the wrong choice and should carry a heavy penalty. I am not writing an editorial on crime today, but pointing out what this world has turned to. I can't imagine another night of prayer in any church, or gathering place that doesn't include the poor choices of those impacting our streets. If this were a rare incident, it would still be sad and appalling. But it has become somewhat of a daily occurrence. People are choosing lawlessness and recklessness over living within the law and not being reckless. In short, they are denying that God exists and wrong is right. 

I am not sure of the answer to this mess on the streets, but I know when I don't have the answer it is a call for prayer. Make this day a day of prayer and pray for the lawlessness to be curbed and the appeal of evil to be overcome. 

Sad day, But it is what we have today.


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