Sunday, April 25, 2021

Your Hands Say A Lot About You 4/2/2021

 Good Morning,

It's Sunday my friends and we will be going to church with our family later this morning. We will worship together and I am looking forward to it immensely. Later it will be a full blown Italian dinner for us to enjoy. Life was made for days like these. 

Romans 12:1 I appeal to you brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies, as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

This morning as I washed my hands and face I took a look at my hands. I can see in my hands many stories. There are a few scars on my hands. For some reason I can recall how each one of them came to be. In the winter, a few of them remind me of the damage done to them and how it could have or should have been avoided. My hands remind me of my age when I see the wrinkles and a few age spots. A broken finger or five that I did not give enough time to heal are a little crooked now.  These hands had their share of fights along the way and now and then they won and now and then they lost the battle. They have seen days of hard manual labor and also carried me through hours upon hours of time spent writing by hand or at a computer. They have thrown baseballs, footballs, snowballs and a discus. They have carried coffins, and held babies all in the same day. A wrench is not a foreign to them. They have pulled the trigger on many guns. They have enjoyed giving and receiving many upon many handshakes. They learned to tie shoes for myself and others. They have been warm and cold. A chain saw and an axe have been held by these hands and later that same day finessed a lure on the end of a fishing pole to attract a sleepy bass. One finger supports a wedding ring. 

You might look at my hands and see two worn out body members and you can develop your own story about them. They once had more power than they have now. But I believe the most significant thing they have ever done is to be folded in prayer for others, and myself. When I fold them and look at them I see my life and the blessings these hands have been or encountered. A set of hands folded in prayer say a much more important lesson than the scars from work, sports or a brawl. When I fold both hands in prayer I am reminded of two hands that were nailed to a cross for me. I an reminded that Jesus used His hands to serve others. I am reminded that my hands are still able to help and assist others.

How about folding those hands today and praying for someone or yourself. There is plenty of power in the folded hands of prayer.

Love to all. 


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