Saturday, April 17, 2021

Splitting Some Firewood 4/17/2021

 Good Morning,

It's good to be alive today and drinking a cup of Door County Black And Tan Coffee. I am thankful for a warm home and a cupboard with food. 

Ecclesiastes 8:15 So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun to eat, drink, and be glad. The joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun. 

Last night I was caught up on the immediate things needing to be done and I had another hour of daylight left before I would not be able to work outside. I grabbed my favorite hat and told my wife Rene that I would be outside for about an hour splitting a piece of wood or two. I have some large stubborn pieces left from a load of wood that was given to us. I also brought a load home myself not long ago and the stubborn twisted pieces are still left to split. Last weekend we had a large tree taken down on our own property and I saved the trunk pieces for the wood pile. They too are stubborn. It takes a large splitting mall and a sledge hammer to bust these things apart. At times it takes some creative chain saw work to get these pieces of stubborn wood to be ready for the fireplace. 

So last night for an hour it was Stubborn vs Stubborn. I am committed to finishing this wood for our neighbor and ourselves so we can enjoy being warm next winter. I stood before one of those bad boys last night. I felt as if that stump was staring me down and saying "bring it on city slicker" . The battle was on and to be honest, last night I claimed victory over two large pieces and I was feeling pretty good about myself. I knew I was going to enjoy the smoke from the fire next winter. I like to go outside and take in the aroma from a fire inside. I take a cup of hot cider with me and usually let the dogs run around. The hardwood smoke brings back some fond memories to write about another day.

Now this "Wood Fighter" has to admit this morning that the victory in the battle of the firewood took a toll. Those two logs fought back to win last night. They did get a partial victory. I remember taking that first swing with the mall and barely grazing the hard wood with the first blow, but after about 15-20 swings, each log gave in to the relentless onslaught. But those two left a reminder that they fought back to win. I forgot to mention that when I woke up this morning 2 Ibuprofen were the first order of the day. The battle damage attributed to two sore shoulders. I ain't as good as I once was. 

I came in from splitting wood, sweaty and in need of some water. My beautiful wife and all her college education thought that she could help the simpleton before her with some advice. "Maybe A Wood Splitter would have been the way to go Hon". She retreated to her puzzle perch, knowing she had just poked a bear. LOL

She just doesn't understand that from time to time a man or woman needs to get out, sweat it up, rip it up and win at something. It doesn't have to be beating on something like wood (literally). It could be finishing a new engine for your stock car, refinishing or building some new furniture. It might be training the dog to hunt, starting and finishing a book, painting the house. But from time to time people have to stare something in the face and give it their best shot. It could be a new vocation or a call to short term missions. The list goes on and on. We were wired that way from God. It especially is a victory when the fruit of our labor benefits others. Next winter when Rene asks for more wood to be placed on the fire, she won't remember the "duel at sundown" but I will, and as I haul in some of the stubborn oak I will chuckle to the wood and say, "Who's Your Daddy Now".

Men and ladies, don't be afraid of some hard work. It is good exercise for the body or the mind, usually produces good in return and you can enjoy a victory now and then. It feels good to accomplish something. But don't forget to keep the Ibuprofen handy. Enjoy a battle and give it your all.


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