Thursday, April 29, 2021

Starting A New Book 4/28/2021

 Good Morning,

This day began too early for me, so my Door County Irish Creme Coffee will have to slap me and wake me up. 

Psalm 102:18 Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to come will know and praise your God. 

Last night I finished a journal that I have been writing for years. I will be starting a new one. The old one will be sealed and will be given to our daughter on my passing some day. From time to time I would write Kristy a message and include some photos. The message was dated and could be just my thoughts for the day, or some advice for later in life. Or there might be a scolding or two hidden within the pages. I have included a Bible verse or forty that was on my mind as I wrote. The journal was a labor of love and was meant to have her think about me now and then and to also remind her that she is loved, was loved and will always be loved. 

I have a notebook with some things my dad scribbled down later in life and I have a book with my mother's thoughts when I was a baby. I cherish their thoughts and wish there had been more written down.

The point of the day is this. We won't last forever, but we can leave our written legacy for those we love. Keep a journal. Share a thought or two. or just write on every page and declare your love for those you leave behind.

God bless,



  1. What a wonderful legacy to
    Leave our loved ones.

    1. It is a labor of love. At times thinking about them reading this after you are gone is depressing. LOL
