Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Need For Reassurance 4/13/2021

 Good Morning,

The day began with a hot cup of Door County Toasted Praline Coffee and prayer. I am tired today and I really don't know why. But is is time to write.

Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears.

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear, or be in dread, for it is the Lord your God, who goes with you. He will not leave you nor or forsake you. 

Last night I had planned what I was going to say this morning until we had a small incident in our yard, while it was still dark out. I let our two English Springer Spaniels outside for their morning rituals. I usually go outside with them, but I was about 30 seconds behind them this morning. The trip from the front door to the back yard takes them about 5 seconds to run back there. On the other hand it takes me at least 30 seconds toting my morning coffee along and watching my step in the dark to get to the back. 

I heard both dogs barking at something. It was only a couple seconds and the youngest dog Leo was right by my side. The older one Gibbs stayed in the back yard. His bark had turned to a growl. So my pace picked up and when I turned the corner Gibbs had stopped growling and was returning to me. I never did see what was back there but it impacted both dogs. 

Just as I sat down to write Leo did something he usually doesn't do. Once both dogs are fed  they usually go under the desk where I am writing and fall asleep. Gibbs is asleep but Leo is standing next to me nudging me to pet him. I have stopped writing a few times to scratch his ears and talk to him a little. Whatever was back there put a good scare into him and He hasn't left my side all morning. My buddy needs some reassurance that he is safe and I am here. 

Friends, I know there are some frightening things going on in the world, volcanoes erupting, epidemics, severe hatred, tornadoes, cancer, divorce, finances and the list could grow to many pages. Just like Leo there are times when I experience valid fear. Leo need went to the only one who can calm those fears, his master. He needed some extra ear scratching this morning. I too run like a scared dog at times to the Only One who can calm my fears. I run to God in prayer and seek out reassurance in His Word. There have been a few times when God actually sent a friend or family member to sit and share in my fears. He new I needed some extra attention. 

We all have fears from time to time. God is in the business of reassurance. Have a blessed day.


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