Sunday, April 11, 2021

Saturday Morning Cartoons. Thanks Mom and Dad 4/11/2021

 Good Morning,

The radio is playing softly in the den. I am comfortable with the hot cup of Door County Tanzanian Peabody Coffee steaming next to me. It is time to write.

When I was a little boy I always looked forward to the cartoons that were on television. But I especially liked the Saturday version. The Saturday morning cartoons were broadcast longer and it was a kid's delight especially in the winter. 

Exodus20:12 Honor your father and your mother, that your days might be long.

One of the television stations that we receive now has Saturday morning cartoons again and they show all the old time cartoons, which I consider classics. I had some spare time yesterday morning, while waiting for a contractor to come to our home. I turned the television to the cartoons and actually viewed what used to be one of my favorites as a child. Popeye was on and it brought back so many memories of sitting on the living room floor very early in the morning watching those old cartoons. Back then you were lucky to have one television and it was always located in the living room. I would sit there enjoying Tom and Jerry just waiting for Bugs Bunny and most of all the Three Stooges to entertain me. 

As always I would get scolded by Mom for not wearing slippers in a cold house. "Your going to catch pneumonia." I always wondered what the big deal was about catching pneumonia, We kept a bottle under the kitchen sink for washing windows. (Ammonia). Parents were a little foolish back then and really did not make sense at times to a five year old. 

I learned to eat spinach from watching Popeye. I didn't like it but Mom said it would make me strong like Popeye. Good reasoning skills Mom! I still eat spinach even though I don't like it all that much. But Mom said it was good for me. So it's spinach for me. 

My point is this. I relived a few memories through watching some old cartoons yesterday. I found myself being thankful for a lot of things, especially a childhood that was safe. I had slippers that the dog used to hide. We didn't have a dog, but I wished we did because I could never find those things when needed. I needed someone like a dog to blame. That's why I have two dogs now. I blame them for my missing slippers and my car keys. 

Cartoon time was usually followed up with a warm breakfast and I  was allowed to use a tv tray to eat in the living room. That was the only time that was allowed. I will point out this. I was safe and felt safe. I need to appreciate those simple times. My parents have been gone for quite a few years now and if I were to be able to talk with them today I would want to say "Thank You". Appreciate your parents while you are still able to do so. 

God bless,


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