Monday, April 19, 2021

The Wake Up Call 4/19/2021

 Good Morning, 

May this day find you at peace with yourself and with your neighbor. A large cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee is doing it's best to wake me up. I think it will take two cups to do the trick.

Psalm 84:10 Better is one day in your courts, than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a door keeper in the house of my God, than dwell in the tents of the wicked. 

Yesterday morning, (Sunday) I was asked to do something that in a million years I never thought I would do for someone.  Yesterday gave me the privilege to see inside the heart of someone dear to me.

In March of 2020 when churches closed, toilet paper was scarce, fear of an epidemic gripped the world and people started purchasing groceries on line, my wife's mother became pretty much of a shut in. At that time she was 92 years old. She still (soon to be 94) lives on her own and drives her car sparingly. She cooks for herself and keeps her house clean. She is fully vaccinated now and yesterday was the first day that she and the family felt safe enough to allow her to go to church. At 93 it was impossible to have her watch her church on U-Tube. Mother substituted preachers on television for church. I am truly thankful for Charles Stanley and Jimmy Swaggart for their television ministries. She would often discuss their messages with me, always ending the conversation with, "I can't wait until it is safe for me to go to my own church in Elkhorn Wisconsin. I want to fellowship with the members. I miss them. I miss praying in person.. I don't even know who to pray for anymore."

For the last few days she counted down the things she was going to do once she was fully vaccinated. The first big one on her list was to get her hair done. "I don't want to go to church looking like this" she would say. It was like she acted as if I could see her on the telephone. (Remember 93 years old and Zoom just wasn't going to happen with her.) I would agree with her and say yes, "you look nasty". We would both laugh pretty hard.

But the thought of her wanting to look good for church attendance started me thinking. On Saturday night we called Mom as usual and I asked her if she was ready to go to church the next day. "Oh Yes!!! I have my clothes ironed and all laid out. My cereal bowl is on the table and I am ready to go." 

Then it happened, she asked me for a favor, which just never happens. She never asks for a thing from me and her daughter and I  have been married for 1000 years. "You get up early. Sometimes I think you are crazy for getting up that early. But I am afraid I will miss the alarm clock or something weird will happen and I will be late for church. Worse yet, I will miss it completely." I said "you bet. What time would you like your wake up call."? She replied "6:45 sharp please". Yesterday morning right at 6:45AM and not a minute later, I called her home and she answered right away. I said "Good Morning. This Is the front desk and this is your wake up call. Time to rise and shine, brush your teeth and get to church" She laughed and said "I am ready. Sometimes I truly believe my daughter married a nut! Gotta go. Love you" I smiled when I hung up the phone. No comments on me being a nut please. 

Of all the things she could do now after being vaccinated like a meal out, shop at Walmart, Her one goal was to attend church and to be on time. 

How about you? Will you be on time for church? Is it your desire to be there if possible? Is it your priority to worship with others? Last question. What's your excuse?

I saw into her heart when she said "I think Jesus might miss me". 

Television church is fine if that's all you feel safe to do. But are you connected with a church and serving somehow? 

Think about it. 


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