Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Missing Ingredient 4/27/2021

 Good Morning,

I am once again sitting at my desk, at home, tired out from a good vacation. Next to me sits a hot cup of Door County Country Morning Coffee.

I do a lot of cooking. Most of it is accomplished by memory.  But there are plenty of times when a recipe card or a cook book are needed, especially when I want to try something new. Now and then, with a new recipe, the dish tastes better the second time around. On the second try I might omit an ingredient that just didn't suit my taste. To me, the dish was better without that ingredient. 

I think every day is like a recipe and that most days are better off missing one ingredient. The ingredient is self. You would want to think just the opposite would be better. "Make this day all about you. This is your year. Do what makes you feel good. It's time for you to consider yourself." 

The minute you realize that self is the ingredient best left out of a day you start living the words of Matthew 16:24 Take up your cross and follow Me. Decisions made and actions performed with that in mind lead to things like reaching out and sitting in church with someone you don't know. You don't frown and have an eye roll when the person checking out in front of you at the grocery store over purchased and now has to decide what they don't need as the check out line starts to back up. If it is within your means you might even pay for the overage. You can vacation doing anything you want, but yet you stay home and let your parents visit. You make choices to ensure an education for your children, and bypass finishing yours. 

Some of the best days of your life are when you deny yourself and put others first. 

Food For Thought!!!!!


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