Friday, April 30, 2021

Built To Last 4/30/2021

 Good Morning,

Friday arrived right on time just as it promised! I just poured a super hot cup of Door County Irish Creme Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Ecclesiastes 3:11 God has planted eternity in the human heart.

2 Corinthians 5:1 When this tent we live in- our body here on earth is torn down, God will have a house in heaven for us to live in. A home He himself has made, which will last forever. 

We have all heard the advertising for a product that claims the product is "Built To Last" I have news for them who make this claim, Define Built To Last! I have spent a a bundle on vehicles that were Built To Last and none of them survived Wisconsin winters and salty roads. I fell for the, "This will be the last rain gutter you will ever need to buy". I believe they were banking their claim on the fact that I would fall off of the ladder while repairing the gutter that had more problems than anything I ever purchased. My early death would have gotten them off the hook of their "Built To Last" claim.

The only thing built to last are people. People were created by God in His image. People will last for eternity. The only difference in people is where they choose to stay for eternity. Heaven or hell is the choice. But you will carry on for eternity in one of those two choices. If people would start living with eternity in mind, they would definitely make different choices. We complain when a toothache lasts for more than a day. Imagine being in the fires of hell forever.

People, there is more to life than the here and now. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes unto the Father except by Me." That my friends is an open invitation to meet with Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior.  Think it through. God loves everyone so much that He made us to last, and He desires for no one to be homeless. He gives you a choice. Jesus and Heaven. Satan and hell. 

You make the choice. Your choice will last forever.


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Starting A New Book 4/28/2021

 Good Morning,

This day began too early for me, so my Door County Irish Creme Coffee will have to slap me and wake me up. 

Psalm 102:18 Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to come will know and praise your God. 

Last night I finished a journal that I have been writing for years. I will be starting a new one. The old one will be sealed and will be given to our daughter on my passing some day. From time to time I would write Kristy a message and include some photos. The message was dated and could be just my thoughts for the day, or some advice for later in life. Or there might be a scolding or two hidden within the pages. I have included a Bible verse or forty that was on my mind as I wrote. The journal was a labor of love and was meant to have her think about me now and then and to also remind her that she is loved, was loved and will always be loved. 

I have a notebook with some things my dad scribbled down later in life and I have a book with my mother's thoughts when I was a baby. I cherish their thoughts and wish there had been more written down.

The point of the day is this. We won't last forever, but we can leave our written legacy for those we love. Keep a journal. Share a thought or two. or just write on every page and declare your love for those you leave behind.

God bless,


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

It Just Happened 4/28/2021

 Good Morning,

This day started with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee. It is time to write.

Psalm 27:13 I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 

I mentioned that my day started with prayer and it did. The minute both of my feet hit the floor I started praying for a family and a community. I do not know this family. The communities involved are familiar to me, but in a distant way. Yesterday I read the news that a young teenage boy with autism was found after a few days of searching for him in the North Woods of Upper Michigan, The young boy was deceased. He had wandered away from his home. He was unable to speak due to his autism. He could not call out. I had been praying he would be found, but as each hour and day passed by it was getting more grim. The Upper Peninsula is still in the throws of winter and as it snowed and stayed cold my heart was sinking. 

Hundreds of people were searching for this boy. Businesses closed so people could join in on the search. I had just inquired from a friend as to the status of the search yesterday morning and was told he had been found, but had passed away. 

My point is this. As caring, concerned, people our hearts go out to his family, friends and community. We need to be the type of people who will drop what they are doing, to assist someone in need. We all need to pray when we can't be on the scene. As tragic as this is, I saw love in action as people united to search and keep searching despite the cold wet snow falling. They were committed to good.

Can your community, friends, and family count on you to search for someone like they were your own? 

I hope so. 


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Missing Ingredient 4/27/2021

 Good Morning,

I am once again sitting at my desk, at home, tired out from a good vacation. Next to me sits a hot cup of Door County Country Morning Coffee.

I do a lot of cooking. Most of it is accomplished by memory.  But there are plenty of times when a recipe card or a cook book are needed, especially when I want to try something new. Now and then, with a new recipe, the dish tastes better the second time around. On the second try I might omit an ingredient that just didn't suit my taste. To me, the dish was better without that ingredient. 

I think every day is like a recipe and that most days are better off missing one ingredient. The ingredient is self. You would want to think just the opposite would be better. "Make this day all about you. This is your year. Do what makes you feel good. It's time for you to consider yourself." 

The minute you realize that self is the ingredient best left out of a day you start living the words of Matthew 16:24 Take up your cross and follow Me. Decisions made and actions performed with that in mind lead to things like reaching out and sitting in church with someone you don't know. You don't frown and have an eye roll when the person checking out in front of you at the grocery store over purchased and now has to decide what they don't need as the check out line starts to back up. If it is within your means you might even pay for the overage. You can vacation doing anything you want, but yet you stay home and let your parents visit. You make choices to ensure an education for your children, and bypass finishing yours. 

Some of the best days of your life are when you deny yourself and put others first. 

Food For Thought!!!!!


Monday, April 26, 2021

A Happy Day 4/26/2021

 Good Morning,

These last few days we have been able to spend some time with our daughter and grandson. We have seen a lot and experienced a great time in Georgia Sunday rolled around and there was no doubt that we would all attend church together. We went to a church our daughter has been visiting as she looks for a new church home after moving to Georgia. The message that was delivered was totally filled with the Holy Spirit. I for one knew that it was a message I needed to hear. 

Psalm 118:28-29 You are my God, and I will give thanks to You; You are my God. I will extol you.

The best part of attending church while visiting was that we were all together. It was a feeling or emotion that I haven't felt in a long time. I needed that sense of family more than I knew. I miss those two dearly at times and with her living closer now and just maybe with covid at bay we can visit more.

My point for today. If it is all possible, enjoy your family and cherish the moments. As we visited and reminisced, we continually thought about those who are no longer with us and how much we miss them. My advice for everyone, is not to take tomorrow for granted. Spend time together before you can't.

God bless,


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Your Hands Say A Lot About You 4/2/2021

 Good Morning,

It's Sunday my friends and we will be going to church with our family later this morning. We will worship together and I am looking forward to it immensely. Later it will be a full blown Italian dinner for us to enjoy. Life was made for days like these. 

Romans 12:1 I appeal to you brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies, as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

This morning as I washed my hands and face I took a look at my hands. I can see in my hands many stories. There are a few scars on my hands. For some reason I can recall how each one of them came to be. In the winter, a few of them remind me of the damage done to them and how it could have or should have been avoided. My hands remind me of my age when I see the wrinkles and a few age spots. A broken finger or five that I did not give enough time to heal are a little crooked now.  These hands had their share of fights along the way and now and then they won and now and then they lost the battle. They have seen days of hard manual labor and also carried me through hours upon hours of time spent writing by hand or at a computer. They have thrown baseballs, footballs, snowballs and a discus. They have carried coffins, and held babies all in the same day. A wrench is not a foreign to them. They have pulled the trigger on many guns. They have enjoyed giving and receiving many upon many handshakes. They learned to tie shoes for myself and others. They have been warm and cold. A chain saw and an axe have been held by these hands and later that same day finessed a lure on the end of a fishing pole to attract a sleepy bass. One finger supports a wedding ring. 

You might look at my hands and see two worn out body members and you can develop your own story about them. They once had more power than they have now. But I believe the most significant thing they have ever done is to be folded in prayer for others, and myself. When I fold them and look at them I see my life and the blessings these hands have been or encountered. A set of hands folded in prayer say a much more important lesson than the scars from work, sports or a brawl. When I fold both hands in prayer I am reminded of two hands that were nailed to a cross for me. I an reminded that Jesus used His hands to serve others. I am reminded that my hands are still able to help and assist others.

How about folding those hands today and praying for someone or yourself. There is plenty of power in the folded hands of prayer.

Love to all. 


Saturday, April 24, 2021

Precious Jewels 4/24/2021

 Good Morning.

I awoke to a day planned out to be able to spend some more quality time with our family. I am looking forward to a day filled with rain and storms according to the weather forecast. The rain will not impact our goal of spending as much time as we can, enjoying this respite God gave us.

Leviticus 19:34 You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as you love yourself. For I am the Lord your God.

Matthew 7:12 Whatever you would wish others would do unto you. You do unto them. 

Yesterday we toured around an area  that is decorated with beautiful waterfalls. The one we chose to experience up close and personal had quite a hike to the top and bottom with some areas along the way that made for some excellent photo stops. In order to get the whole family into a picture we needed the assistance of strangers. I would have opted out of being in the picture because I don't like asking for help from strangers. But it seems a common practice for people to ask others if they wouldn't mind using your camera and then taking a picture filled with your group. 

So our daughter asked a man who was with his family if he wouldn't mind taking a picture of us. In turn he asked if we would reciprocate the favor. Their family consisted of him, his wife, a two month old baby and a toddler around the age two. They were very friendly and my wife and daughter exchanged pleasantries with them. I said hello and thank you. Deep in my mind I was thinking about how two groups who did not know each other at all, could meet on a platform by a waterfall and be friendly, exchanging a favor or two. This I knew would make my blog.

All went well and then after the pictures were taken our  young friends and their toddler who I named Speedy were headed out on the trail. Now a railing system was in place to keep people from taking a ride on the falls that I would assume would be crippling if not fatal. More important to a two year old boy, those safety timbers represented something to climb on. I am sure that as a child I would have been experimenting myself as to see if I could reach the top.

So in nanoseconds Speedy approached the timber rails and proceeded his climb. Faster than a speeding locomotive the five adults, mom and dad and us three strangers were moving. No way was Speedy going to experience his first amusement ride going down the falls of no return. Dad who was about six foot two or three swooped in first  and snatched Speedy from the mistake that would never be forgotten. I didn't think our daughter could move that fast, but 'Mom Mode" kicked in and she would of had Speedy if Daddy Long Legs missed.

Just to be clear on this. Those young parents were not neglecting their child. You could just tell that they are a loving family and they loved those kids. Two year old boys were made to climb. It's how they are wired. Not that girls can't climb. But give a boy a chair and he will stand on it, instead of sitting down. 

Here's my thought for the day. In an instant, total strangers who were just being kind to one another united to stop an accident from happening. Their "Precious Jewel" became precious to all of us. At that moment names were not important, none of what makes us, US was important. We became a team of concerned strangers who started moving in the right direction in a cause for good. 

Friends it wasn't a cliff hanging experience. But it showed me that good still exists, People can unite for good and I saw the example of loving your neighbor from the photo op, the dash at the platform, and the final wave in the parking lot. 

Enjoy your Friday and love your neighbor.


Friday, April 23, 2021

"Ground Hog" Day 4/23/21

 Good Morning,

This morning I have "Ground Hog Day" (GHD) on my mind. Every year GHD is observed on February 2nd. It is a day when the townsfolk of Punxsutawney Pennsylvania gather in Gobblers Knob to watch a furry Ground Hog be plucked from his burrow to predict the rest of the winter.

Hebrews 13:16 Don not neglect to do good and share what you have. It is pleasing to God.

This custom usually makes the weather news as well educated, well paid meteorologists (weather man or weather lady) add this jovial custom to their forecast. I for one do not trust the weather forecast to if or if not this furry mammoth sees his shadow or not. But fun is fun so I play along with the game and have a chuckle or two along with everyone else. 

Within the next few weeks I will be observing my own version of "Ground Hog Day". I have a small abundance of pheasants in the freezer and my goal is to combine some ground pheasants with some pork and make my own bratwurst. Thus "Ground Hog Day".

I make my own sausages in the "Old World Manor and freeze them up in vacuum sealed bags, They will be stored until the weather is warm enough to actually sit outside and have a picnic. I want to reopen our home to guests after this long bout with covid and celebrate my wife's birthday. I for one don't like the idea of doing all that work and not using the fruit of my labor for a celebration. 

Here's to the dogs that supplied the pheasants! Here's to Mom and Dad who gave me the old equipment. And most of all here's a thank you to God for the feast He will provide. 

Friends, take a little time this summer to celebrate life. Revisit Ground Hog Day.


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Destroy Pride Before It Destroys You 4/22/21

 Good Morning,

Just a short note today. 

On Tuesday as I was listening in on our Men's Bible Study I was overwhelmed by the knowledge that pride is a true weapon of our adversary the devil. As humans we often make ourselves into our own form of idols. We minimize the holiness of God, His infinite wisdom, and we dare to compare ourselves to Him. We are the only part of creation that willfully sins against Him with our disobedience. Pride is a killer to our relationship with God.

His glory and kindness are unfathomable. He works all things for the glory of His name and His will. 

Isaiah 4:28 I am the Lord. That is my name and I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols.

It is impossible to have too great of a view of God. He cannot be measured. And we certainly do not measure up to Him. When did the created become greater than the Creator? Yet God is very concerned about every aspect of our lives. We are important to Him

Pride often enters our lives when we have too low of a view and understanding of just how vast God is. We place God on the back shelf and place ourselves out front to be seen and pumped up by the world who desires us not to submit in humility and obedience to the Great I Am. 

The opposite of pride is humility. We must fight to revere God if we want to be humble. Understanding Him lowers our opinion of ourselves and puts us in our proper place. 

John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease.

Pride can be our downfall. Drop the pride and place yourself on the shelf in the proper place. 


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Marriage Is A Bicycle Ride 4/21/2021.

 Good Morning,

I have a short trip to make this morning and I am looking forward to getting home and spending some time with family. I just filled my mug with Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and now it is time to write.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if one of them falls the other can pick them up.  But woe to him who falls and has no one to pick him up. 

My wife Rene and I used to ride our bicycles when we were first dating and they were a good source of exercise and a cheap thing to do. Two back packs filled with tennis balls and a couple rackets and some water bottles made for a cheap date. We once rode our bikes to the shore of Lake Michigan and had quite a nice two person picnic. 

As I recall those days of dating and being physically able to ride for quite a distance, I also recall some of the hills we had to conquer to make it to some of our destinations. I came to the conclusion that going downhill is much more fun than going uphill. I remember though a couple of times that the downhill version had us going too fast and it wasn't safe. We had to apply the brakes and slow down. One time we actually had to walk the bikes downhill. 

Friends, marriage is a like a bike ride. There are days when we struggle to get up the hills placed in front of us. Finances might be on the wrong side of healthy. Children break and arm or get into trouble at school and there it is again, another mountain to ascend. Or the family calendar looks like the secretary got drunk and overbooked her boss with three meetings at a time. Life is going too fast.

If you are married, the best part of a bike ride through life is that you aren't traveling alone. You have a partner to pedal when you can't. You have a partner who reminds you to slow down. A bike ride is best when it is shared with someone. If you aren't married, do you have a friend that is there through thick or thin? If you do, cherish that friend. They are a gift from God.  

Just remember to thank God for your bike partner.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Bag Left Unopened 4/20/2021

 Good Morning,

The door to the bedroom opened this morning and it wasn't much of a surprise to me to see our dogs Gibbs and Leo sitting at the side of the bed letting me know that breakfast would be much appreciated. I grabbed my cup of Door County Heroes Blend Coffee and ran up to the den to write. 

I was up late last night baking bread rolls to give to someone this week. It is a gift that is long overdue. My wife Rene will bag them later today and they will be ready to give away. Nine out of ten times these rolls turn out perfectly and last night was no exception. They came out of the oven and looked perfect. I sampled one and it was delicious. I then went to bed. The sleep was much needed. 

Now once the rolls are bagged and given away all that needs to be done is for the bags to be opened, a roll chosen and then slathered with butter or honey and you have a feast. But the bag must be opened for the rolls to be useful. 

John 6:35 "I am the Bread of life. No one who comes to me will ever be hungry again."

Jesus leaves us with a open invitation. 

John 6:51 "I am the living bread, which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever, and the bread that I shall give is my flesh, which I shall give for the life of this world. 

Jesus offers us sustenance for our spiritual lives. As bread nourishes or physical bodies, His Word, wisdom and his sacrifice on the cross provide for our spirits. This is a free gift, and is never forced upon anyone. Without opening the bag, the rolls I made will get moldy soon and be of no use to anyone. Without accepting the invitation to Jesus, you will not be nourished in your spirit and soul. You will be stagnant and restless in your heart and soul.

Food for thought.


Monday, April 19, 2021

The Wake Up Call 4/19/2021

 Good Morning, 

May this day find you at peace with yourself and with your neighbor. A large cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee is doing it's best to wake me up. I think it will take two cups to do the trick.

Psalm 84:10 Better is one day in your courts, than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a door keeper in the house of my God, than dwell in the tents of the wicked. 

Yesterday morning, (Sunday) I was asked to do something that in a million years I never thought I would do for someone.  Yesterday gave me the privilege to see inside the heart of someone dear to me.

In March of 2020 when churches closed, toilet paper was scarce, fear of an epidemic gripped the world and people started purchasing groceries on line, my wife's mother became pretty much of a shut in. At that time she was 92 years old. She still (soon to be 94) lives on her own and drives her car sparingly. She cooks for herself and keeps her house clean. She is fully vaccinated now and yesterday was the first day that she and the family felt safe enough to allow her to go to church. At 93 it was impossible to have her watch her church on U-Tube. Mother substituted preachers on television for church. I am truly thankful for Charles Stanley and Jimmy Swaggart for their television ministries. She would often discuss their messages with me, always ending the conversation with, "I can't wait until it is safe for me to go to my own church in Elkhorn Wisconsin. I want to fellowship with the members. I miss them. I miss praying in person.. I don't even know who to pray for anymore."

For the last few days she counted down the things she was going to do once she was fully vaccinated. The first big one on her list was to get her hair done. "I don't want to go to church looking like this" she would say. It was like she acted as if I could see her on the telephone. (Remember 93 years old and Zoom just wasn't going to happen with her.) I would agree with her and say yes, "you look nasty". We would both laugh pretty hard.

But the thought of her wanting to look good for church attendance started me thinking. On Saturday night we called Mom as usual and I asked her if she was ready to go to church the next day. "Oh Yes!!! I have my clothes ironed and all laid out. My cereal bowl is on the table and I am ready to go." 

Then it happened, she asked me for a favor, which just never happens. She never asks for a thing from me and her daughter and I  have been married for 1000 years. "You get up early. Sometimes I think you are crazy for getting up that early. But I am afraid I will miss the alarm clock or something weird will happen and I will be late for church. Worse yet, I will miss it completely." I said "you bet. What time would you like your wake up call."? She replied "6:45 sharp please". Yesterday morning right at 6:45AM and not a minute later, I called her home and she answered right away. I said "Good Morning. This Is the front desk and this is your wake up call. Time to rise and shine, brush your teeth and get to church" She laughed and said "I am ready. Sometimes I truly believe my daughter married a nut! Gotta go. Love you" I smiled when I hung up the phone. No comments on me being a nut please. 

Of all the things she could do now after being vaccinated like a meal out, shop at Walmart, Her one goal was to attend church and to be on time. 

How about you? Will you be on time for church? Is it your desire to be there if possible? Is it your priority to worship with others? Last question. What's your excuse?

I saw into her heart when she said "I think Jesus might miss me". 

Television church is fine if that's all you feel safe to do. But are you connected with a church and serving somehow? 

Think about it. 


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Did You Know You Are Special? 4/18/2021

 Good Morning, 

I just poured a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee, the radio is playing softly in the background and the fireplace is glowing. It feels good today to enjoy this Sunday morning. 

Romans 8:39 Nothing in the whole world can separate us from the love of God. 

There are times when we wonder if God always loves us. We become unlovable when we put on our cranky pants, or fall off the wagon of sobriety, or when our tongue rattles off a mean barrage at someone. 

There are times when we are not peppy, spiffed up in our Sunday best singing "Standing On The Promises" or working to feed the hungry. We wonder if He loves us when our thoughts reach gutter level. Or when we suffer through a trial and we curse the day we were born.

The times when a song cannot be found in our frozen hearts. Does He still love me?  God answered that question a long, long time ago. He answered it with a personal beating. He answered it with a crown of thorns. He answered it with personal humiliation. He answered it with nails in the hand and feet. He answered it when He brought Jesus out of the grave. He did what no man ever dreamed of. He became human flesh and lived among us. 

He placed His hand on our shoulders of humanity  and told us "You're are special." Can anything separate us from His love? I believe He answered that question!

Have a great day. 


Saturday, April 17, 2021

Splitting Some Firewood 4/17/2021

 Good Morning,

It's good to be alive today and drinking a cup of Door County Black And Tan Coffee. I am thankful for a warm home and a cupboard with food. 

Ecclesiastes 8:15 So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun to eat, drink, and be glad. The joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun. 

Last night I was caught up on the immediate things needing to be done and I had another hour of daylight left before I would not be able to work outside. I grabbed my favorite hat and told my wife Rene that I would be outside for about an hour splitting a piece of wood or two. I have some large stubborn pieces left from a load of wood that was given to us. I also brought a load home myself not long ago and the stubborn twisted pieces are still left to split. Last weekend we had a large tree taken down on our own property and I saved the trunk pieces for the wood pile. They too are stubborn. It takes a large splitting mall and a sledge hammer to bust these things apart. At times it takes some creative chain saw work to get these pieces of stubborn wood to be ready for the fireplace. 

So last night for an hour it was Stubborn vs Stubborn. I am committed to finishing this wood for our neighbor and ourselves so we can enjoy being warm next winter. I stood before one of those bad boys last night. I felt as if that stump was staring me down and saying "bring it on city slicker" . The battle was on and to be honest, last night I claimed victory over two large pieces and I was feeling pretty good about myself. I knew I was going to enjoy the smoke from the fire next winter. I like to go outside and take in the aroma from a fire inside. I take a cup of hot cider with me and usually let the dogs run around. The hardwood smoke brings back some fond memories to write about another day.

Now this "Wood Fighter" has to admit this morning that the victory in the battle of the firewood took a toll. Those two logs fought back to win last night. They did get a partial victory. I remember taking that first swing with the mall and barely grazing the hard wood with the first blow, but after about 15-20 swings, each log gave in to the relentless onslaught. But those two left a reminder that they fought back to win. I forgot to mention that when I woke up this morning 2 Ibuprofen were the first order of the day. The battle damage attributed to two sore shoulders. I ain't as good as I once was. 

I came in from splitting wood, sweaty and in need of some water. My beautiful wife and all her college education thought that she could help the simpleton before her with some advice. "Maybe A Wood Splitter would have been the way to go Hon". She retreated to her puzzle perch, knowing she had just poked a bear. LOL

She just doesn't understand that from time to time a man or woman needs to get out, sweat it up, rip it up and win at something. It doesn't have to be beating on something like wood (literally). It could be finishing a new engine for your stock car, refinishing or building some new furniture. It might be training the dog to hunt, starting and finishing a book, painting the house. But from time to time people have to stare something in the face and give it their best shot. It could be a new vocation or a call to short term missions. The list goes on and on. We were wired that way from God. It especially is a victory when the fruit of our labor benefits others. Next winter when Rene asks for more wood to be placed on the fire, she won't remember the "duel at sundown" but I will, and as I haul in some of the stubborn oak I will chuckle to the wood and say, "Who's Your Daddy Now".

Men and ladies, don't be afraid of some hard work. It is good exercise for the body or the mind, usually produces good in return and you can enjoy a victory now and then. It feels good to accomplish something. But don't forget to keep the Ibuprofen handy. Enjoy a battle and give it your all.


Friday, April 16, 2021

He Knows Your Name 4/16/2021

 Good Morning,

Happy Friday! It is a little cold in our part of the world today and I needed to make a small fire to sit by and write. My mug is filled with Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and after some prayer and soul searching it is time to write.

John 10:14 I am the Good Shepherd. I know my sheep, as the Father knows me. And my sheep know me. 

My goal for today is to leave you with a heart that is reassured of the love of God.  If you have ever been to a Major League Baseball game on opening day, or stepped into some of the world's busiest airports during holiday seasons you will understand what I am trying to say. The venues I am speaking of are crowded with people. There are people everywhere and it is hard to find anyone you know. My wife and I were separated in a crowd in the Atlanta airport once and I just couldn't spot her. Of course her cell phone was turned off and until she called me, we just couldn't connect. As I walked, I saw people everywhere. But it was hard to spot "a person".  It reminded me of the cattle drives seen in Old Western movies. Many single cows made up a herd. I was in a herd of people. Many singular faces became a flock of faces. At a distance they all looked the same. I couldn't find the one I was looking for. 

We often feel like we are in a herd, or flock and no one knows where we are. That is not true with God. He knows you, by face and name. Our Good Shepherd knows His sheep, their name and their face and He will never forget you. You are important and loved.

Have a great day!


Thursday, April 15, 2021

A Bucket Of Sunshine 4/15/2021

 Good Morning,

The day began a long time ago for me and it started with prayer and a hot mug of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee.

Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Today I would like to challenge everyone to try and be a blessing to someone today. Attempt to be the person who brightens the room with a smile, despite your own woes and troubles. Let God use you to make someone's day better just because you were there for them. Put a little extra into the "Good Morning" or hello. Stop to load the groceries into a car for someone who is struggling with the load. 

Celebrate with someone. Today my mother in law (93 years old) is receiving a hair cut and a perm for the first time in a year and a half. We will be calling her and celebrating with her later tonight. That haircut will mean more to her because we remembered it's "hair day" and we will be excited for her.

Do something nice for someone in your own house. Make lunch or dinner. Clean something you usually don't clean but someone else does. Take a meal or a cake to someone who could use a hand and a smile.

Forgive as you have been forgiven. You hold the keys to be a blessing or not. Some of you do these things daily. I celebrate you! Don't stop! You make this a better world by just being here and being you. 

Have a great day. Be a blessing to someone!


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

What You Say Can't Really Be Taken Back 4/13/2021

 Good Morning,

It is a privilege to be writing today to all of you. I drank a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee awhile ago and now it is time to write. 

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear it.

Our mouth is not easily controlled and the mouth is quick to verbalize our thoughts. Once a verbal insult, evil barrage, or angry thoughts are conceived in the mind it is just a nanosecond away from being launched from our tongue. The aim of a verbal attack never misses it's target and often strikes a blow that is hard to heal. 

We often realize our mistake too late and then we attempt to walk back our statement with the usual "I did not mean it." Or we throw up a defense by adding a "but" or two, justifying our actions because the person you have just verbally attacked offended you, did something you classify as stupid, or didn't measure up. Our mouths are deadly traps at times, toward others and ourselves.

Be real, and know that what you said is what you meant. You said it. You own it. We often fail to recognize that what comes out of our mouths in evil, anger or stupidity is sin on our part. 

Control over your verbalized thoughts shows some maturity and the desire to please God. I think for many of us it is time to mature and grow up. God knows the heart and He judges both the heart and the mouth.

Food for thought.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Need For Reassurance 4/13/2021

 Good Morning,

The day began with a hot cup of Door County Toasted Praline Coffee and prayer. I am tired today and I really don't know why. But is is time to write.

Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears.

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear, or be in dread, for it is the Lord your God, who goes with you. He will not leave you nor or forsake you. 

Last night I had planned what I was going to say this morning until we had a small incident in our yard, while it was still dark out. I let our two English Springer Spaniels outside for their morning rituals. I usually go outside with them, but I was about 30 seconds behind them this morning. The trip from the front door to the back yard takes them about 5 seconds to run back there. On the other hand it takes me at least 30 seconds toting my morning coffee along and watching my step in the dark to get to the back. 

I heard both dogs barking at something. It was only a couple seconds and the youngest dog Leo was right by my side. The older one Gibbs stayed in the back yard. His bark had turned to a growl. So my pace picked up and when I turned the corner Gibbs had stopped growling and was returning to me. I never did see what was back there but it impacted both dogs. 

Just as I sat down to write Leo did something he usually doesn't do. Once both dogs are fed  they usually go under the desk where I am writing and fall asleep. Gibbs is asleep but Leo is standing next to me nudging me to pet him. I have stopped writing a few times to scratch his ears and talk to him a little. Whatever was back there put a good scare into him and He hasn't left my side all morning. My buddy needs some reassurance that he is safe and I am here. 

Friends, I know there are some frightening things going on in the world, volcanoes erupting, epidemics, severe hatred, tornadoes, cancer, divorce, finances and the list could grow to many pages. Just like Leo there are times when I experience valid fear. Leo need went to the only one who can calm those fears, his master. He needed some extra ear scratching this morning. I too run like a scared dog at times to the Only One who can calm my fears. I run to God in prayer and seek out reassurance in His Word. There have been a few times when God actually sent a friend or family member to sit and share in my fears. He new I needed some extra attention. 

We all have fears from time to time. God is in the business of reassurance. Have a blessed day.


Monday, April 12, 2021

When Your Glasses Fog Up 4/12/2021

 Good Morning,

The alarm clock sounded off right on time today and my feet hit the floor slowly and that is a fact. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee and now it is time to write.

I wear glasses for my vision and have done so since my first year of high school. Obviously I find them to be a big help with my vision, but they can also be a pain at times. During this epidemic, with the need to wear masks in many places, I find that my glasses fog up just by breathing. Then there are the temperature changes that occur. Coming in from the cold and into a warm building fogs up the lenses so bad that the glasses either have to come off or you just wait it out as the glasses adjust to the change. This leaves you pretty much blinded to anything around you.

Psalm 139:23-24 Search me Lord and know my heart, try me, and know my thoughts. 24 And see if there is any wicked way in me. Lead me in the way, everlasting. 

It is a simple point I am trying to drive home today. May times we walk through life and know that our best friend, a family member, spouse, or ourselves are headed for a big mistake, or trouble. We put on our convenient "fogged lenses" and pretend we don't see or know what is going on. We blind ourselves to the fact that wrong is wrong, and right is right. We ignore the situation and at times make it worse by making excuses for certain behaviors or attitudes, we or others we love are exhibiting. We just ignore the possible consequences and walk in a mind fog that allows and compensates for wrong. 

Example. When we built our home many years ago we posted all the do not trespass signs that were required. We were on the construction site almost daily and kept it clean and orderly. The contractors observed our expectations. But in reality it was hard to lock up walls that were just framed in. In fact it was impossible. One late night we received a call that there had been an accident on our construction site and we were needed at the police station. When I arrived, there was a teenage boy sitting there. He had been on our building site and he and another teenager had started a fire with the lumber scraps in the basement. They had taken a construction ladder and used it as stairs to the basement. Once downstairs they proceeded to get high by sniffing the glue left behind by the plumber. The police were driving by and saw the light from the fire and had the boys come out of the basement. One of the boys fell from the ladder and broke his arm. The other one sat in front of me at the police station.

Both fathers arrived at the police station. One dad was apologetic and you could tell that junior was definitely in trouble. He said his boy would come by once our home was finished to do some free yard work to make up for the mess he caused. The boy also apologized.

 Dad two arrived. The injured boy was with mom at the hospital being tended to. This guy went ballistic on me for having and unsafe construction site. He wanted the name of the plumbing company and of course the name of the on my insurance company who held the coverage for the construction. Eventually we were sued. We lost the suit, The plumbing company was also sued and they paid out as well. Never once did he apologize for the actions of his son. He left the police station that night in a huff. The rest of us looked at each other in disbelief. He had his "foggy glasses" on. It was the rest of us at fault, not Junior who was trespassing. I wonder what would have happened if that fire had burned down our home?  It's hard to believe, but that same kid was arrested three years later when caught burglarizing homes and cars in the same neighborhood. 

Friends we need to keep our "foggy glasses" clean and act on what we see. Those lenses play mind games on us and we see things that really aren't factual. And sometimes we don't see ourselves as others see us. 

Have a great day. See straight.


Sunday, April 11, 2021

Saturday Morning Cartoons. Thanks Mom and Dad 4/11/2021

 Good Morning,

The radio is playing softly in the den. I am comfortable with the hot cup of Door County Tanzanian Peabody Coffee steaming next to me. It is time to write.

When I was a little boy I always looked forward to the cartoons that were on television. But I especially liked the Saturday version. The Saturday morning cartoons were broadcast longer and it was a kid's delight especially in the winter. 

Exodus20:12 Honor your father and your mother, that your days might be long.

One of the television stations that we receive now has Saturday morning cartoons again and they show all the old time cartoons, which I consider classics. I had some spare time yesterday morning, while waiting for a contractor to come to our home. I turned the television to the cartoons and actually viewed what used to be one of my favorites as a child. Popeye was on and it brought back so many memories of sitting on the living room floor very early in the morning watching those old cartoons. Back then you were lucky to have one television and it was always located in the living room. I would sit there enjoying Tom and Jerry just waiting for Bugs Bunny and most of all the Three Stooges to entertain me. 

As always I would get scolded by Mom for not wearing slippers in a cold house. "Your going to catch pneumonia." I always wondered what the big deal was about catching pneumonia, We kept a bottle under the kitchen sink for washing windows. (Ammonia). Parents were a little foolish back then and really did not make sense at times to a five year old. 

I learned to eat spinach from watching Popeye. I didn't like it but Mom said it would make me strong like Popeye. Good reasoning skills Mom! I still eat spinach even though I don't like it all that much. But Mom said it was good for me. So it's spinach for me. 

My point is this. I relived a few memories through watching some old cartoons yesterday. I found myself being thankful for a lot of things, especially a childhood that was safe. I had slippers that the dog used to hide. We didn't have a dog, but I wished we did because I could never find those things when needed. I needed someone like a dog to blame. That's why I have two dogs now. I blame them for my missing slippers and my car keys. 

Cartoon time was usually followed up with a warm breakfast and I  was allowed to use a tv tray to eat in the living room. That was the only time that was allowed. I will point out this. I was safe and felt safe. I need to appreciate those simple times. My parents have been gone for quite a few years now and if I were to be able to talk with them today I would want to say "Thank You". Appreciate your parents while you are still able to do so. 

God bless,


Saturday, April 10, 2021

Never Expect Compensation 4/10/2021

 Good Morning,

I am awake and every body part is working. I am glad to be alive and to be part of your world today. I just poured a hot mug of Door County Tanzanian Peabody Coffee and it is now time to write.

How would you like to steal away a day from the chains of boredom? I think what I am suggesting can be done, and accomplished often. Given enough time, it might become a habit. Do overgenerous deeds, acts beyond reimbursement. Practice kindness without compensation. Perform an act for which you cannot be repaid.

Hebrews 13:20-21  20. Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, the Great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting Covenant , 21. make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. 

When we do acts of kindness for others out of love, we forget to keep a score. True love does not keep score and performs acts of kindness, never expecting anything in return. There is a benefit to acting in this way. If you don't keep a tally and never expect a thing in return, you won't ever be disappointed when someone doesn't meet your expectations of actions in return. Also this helps you to "get over yourself." Things of this world become less about you and more about others. I have said this before. "A heart beats best, when it beats for others." We then start looking forward to who we can show kindness to. 

Example. Mary the mother of Jesus was saddled with a teen pregnancy. Raised a child, who was condemned to die before He was born. Watched Him grow to save the world from their sins and then watched Him die a terrible death. She never expected a thing in return. She got over herself and served the Lord without complaining. 

Jesus chose the servants accommodations instead of the palace. Shouldn't we do the same? Try it. You will like it.


Friday, April 9, 2021

New Blue Jeans 4/9/2021

 Good Morning,

It sure is nice to be sitting in our den at my desk with a cup of Door County Gingerbread Spice Latte Coffee next to me as I write. I pray this day will make me a blessing to someone.

My wife Rene and I have very few arguments and if we do have a disagreement we have been married long enough to know that when the blood pressure goes up, the mouth takes a big drink of shut up juice. We then pray and ask God to show us where we might be wrong. Not a prayer to be able to point a finger at the other person, but to clear our own heart and mind of what might be our own selfishness or pride.

So when Rene announced that it was time for me to purchase new blue jeans I conveniently had old age hearing issues. I detest, just simply detest buying clothes for myself, which means I have to go shopping.

Proverbs 27:1 Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know, what a day may bring.

James 4:17 So whoever knows to do right, and fails to do it, to him it is a sin. 

I was able to hold off the jean pursuit in her next round of "you need jeans" by just simply using my favorite line, "I am too busy right now. I will get around to it". I foiled her plot! Thinking that she would forget. It worked! But not long enough. I fell for a plan that she devised which shows her mind is still sharp and maybe mine needs a tune up. Rene asked me yesterday if I would be working today. I replied "no". She had several dress shirts in her arms headed for the ironing board. She said she wanted to know which shirts I wanted for my work week and wondered if I would need one for today. The fox sprung the trap on me. "Since you aren't working tomorrow, and since it will be raining and you can't work in the yard, and I doubt anyone will call you to save the world from something, we can go shopping for jeans! 

She went on. "Hon the styles of the younger folks with their jeans split open in strategic spots don't look good on what is supposed to be an older gentleman. Belt loops were made for belts and I cannot repair these any longer. And NO, walking around with your pants down around your butt is not going to happen. That style is the only one that has caused me to contemplate putting my foot where the pants are supposed be. Keep three pairs of these old frayed and well worn jeans for home work clothes. I hate to see a grown man cry. We will come home today with three new pairs. And by the way. I think it's time you bought lunch for the two of us"

The argument was lost. I just had those jeans broken in the way I like them. Anyway here is the point for today. Somewhere along the ride of Friday you will be asked to do something you might not like, but it is good for you. You can procrastinate all you want but eventually you know it needs to be done. You can go down kicking and screaming all the way, or you can do it and mark it off of your list. Some things are not worth fighting over. I forgot to mention I tried saying "can't you just pick some up for me"? The answer was "sure Hon. How do you think you will look in skinny jeans with rhinestones?"

If it needs to be done, get it done. I try to be a holy man, but as my wife said. "Being holy doesn't start with over worn, well aged jeans." Don't put off what needs to be done. It just might add too much for tomorrow.

Happy Friday,


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Praying Together 4/8/2021

 Good Morning,

Thursday it is. Thursday It shall be. I will confess that I am looking over the top of my glasses just to get a glimpse of Friday. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee and now it is time to write. 

A dear friend of mine asked every man in our Bible Study to pray for a meeting he is having on Friday. He explained that he will be having a serious talk with an acquaintance Friday morning. He is meeting with a person who is seeking a relationship with God and he will lay out the Gospel message of Jesus Christ to her. Each man in our Bible study will be praying for the seeker and the provider of the message. 

We are praying for an open heart to receive the message. We are praying for my friend's health that he might be well enough to get there. He has been fighting a rough battle with persistent illnesses and will be bedridden for days at a time. As of today he is feeling pretty good. But we all know that evil will try to throw everything at him just so he can't make the appointment.

So our band of men will be praying the rest of this week for all to go well for both parties. When we pray together we join like minded hearts in lifting our requests to God. We know it is His will in this matter for sure. We are not praying outside of His will.

2nd Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 

When was the last time you joined others in prayer for a lost soul? You don't know either of these people but God does. Will you join us in prayer? 

God bless,


Mom's List Of Rules 4/7/2021

 Good Morning,

It is very quiet in the house this morning. Both dogs went back to bed  this morning with full bellies. Being outside all day yesterday wore them out. I just poured a hot cup of Door County S'mores Coffee and now it is time to write.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go. And when he is old he will not depart from it. 

Back in my day as a kid most mothers had a list of rules that were well known even though not written down. These rules were different from home to home. We didn't have cell phones to let parents know where we were at all times. Communications were slim and pretty much non existent. The house phone could be used to call other parents to get a message to you or have the "mom alert" started. If this was the case and you received a phone call  at a home of a friend or that friend's parent told you to head home, you could be assured of two things. 1. Something important had happened good or bad. 2. You had better be home in the next few minutes. The "mom alert" happened very seldom. You didn't travel all that far back in the day. School was close by and your friends lived in the same neighborhood.

Then there came a time where this one rule was applied daily, when the street lights came on at night, it was the signal that the day was winding down and you should be in your own yard and let mom know you were there. It didn't mean the day ended (during the summer school break). Special dispensation was sometimes given to allow for the kids across the street to be together in one yard as long as they were "quiet" . Violation of the return to home signal could mean restrictions would be applied to your freedom to leave and meet with friends the next day or they were threatened to be applied until you were 21. Parents had a way of embellishing their emotions with "crazy reactions". You knew the rule and it just wasn't violated, unless you were dead or severely injured.  I sued to think that if i was running late, it was better to be dead or mauled by a bear. (We lived in the city co no chance of a bear helping me out.)

The thought for the day is this. Regardless of cell phones and GPS tracking systems to know where your kids are. Do they know the rules? Have you sat down with them and given them the rules to live by while they are in your home? I didn't say negotiate, but explain and reinforce the rules. 

There was nothing worse for me than a rules expansion to the list of forty rules without knowledge of that rule and then violating it, and being punished for something that "I should have known." For instance no bike riding with your Sunday clothes on and it had been raining outside. One good puddle and the water from the back tire went up and all over a white shirt. So the rule of no bike riding before church was established but never communicated. You could say I co-wrote that one. The rule had been no playing in your good clothes before church, I did not feel that playing and riding a bike were two different things. I should have been a lawyer as a kid. But I never one a case!!!

I guess this is it friends, in a nut shell. Communicate with your kids. Take time to explain your expectations and listen to them if they have questions. Most kids are void of the adult version of common sense. Most parents could use a refresher course in that one anyway,

Communicate, Communicate. Reward good behavior immediately and correct bad behavior immediately, after you cool down, 

Have a great day.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Parents Who Pray 4/6/2021

 Good Morning,

There must be some rain in our future. My old body is predicting a weather change. I never used to believe that you could forecast the weather by your body aches, but I believe it now. I just re-filled my mug with Door County S'mores Coffee and now it is time to write. 

1 Peter 3:12 The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers. 

Raising kids is no easy task at all. One thing we can do as parents is to be loyal to prayer and be stubborn intercessors for our children. 

There are two types of fear in parenting that can grip Mom and Dad. Yes this world is tough and there is a whole lot of nasty out there. When we pray for our kids, we must also pray for ourselves that we always trust in God's leadership and then put it into practice.

One type of fear if it overcomes us, turns parents into paranoid prison guards who monitor every minute, perform background checks on every friend and become stifling. This communicates distrust. A family that runs like this leaves no breathing room for a child to grow and suffocates a child.

Number two type of fear can also create permissive parents. High on hugs and low on discipline . They can't see the fact that discipline is an expression of love.

Parental fears, are common to us all. The Bible doesn't say much on parenting in specific. ( Soccer or football?, Breast feed or not to breast feed? School away or home school?) Yet Jesus always has a lot to say about prayer. We should be praying parents who consult the Lord with our questions, our need to protect, and nurture our children. Prayer is a cooling dish for the heat of fear. When a parent prays God responds. Our newly planted seedlings need a green house to grow. My first attempt at a small one did not sustain some high wind gusts. But when we pray over our children, with our children, and with others, we are raising them in the green house of prayer. 

Last thought on this. I believe this is a good example. Teens will eventually date. Young Goober will show up to take Sally out on a date. You have all kinds of fears running the course of your veins. Did you pray for this day 10 years ago when Sally dressed up with a towel on her head pretending it was her wedding day? Did you pray for this day when Goober said "I hate girls. They smell." You knew eventually Sally would start looking good to him. Now the day is here and prom arrived and you are worried about anything and everything. Of course you are praying now. But when Goober shows up and all the pictures are taken, do you stop and pray with the kids before they leave? What a statement that makes! Let them take Jesus on the date with them. The prison guard parents already have fifteen ways to watch these kids all night and are worried that they forgot to put the GPS tracker on Goobers car. They have gone from guards to spies. The permissive parents now wonder if the dress Sally is wearing should have been purchased with the other half of it. They wonder why Goober is driving a motor home instead of a car? Pray early, pray often and pray without ceasing for your kids and yourselves, Be the parents God teaches you to be. 

Food for thought. 


Monday, April 5, 2021

Brotherly Love 4/5/2021

 Good Morning, 

My day is going to start very early and it will be a long one for sure. The travel bottle filled with Door County Black And Tan Coffee is going to come in very handy today. 

What is the definition of "Brotherly Love"? 

John 15:10 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. 

The definition is found in John 15:10. It calls us to love our friends and at times sacrifice for them. When making a sacrifice or helping out a friend we should never keep a score or a running tab. We should love our friends unconditionally. 

Colossians 3:14 And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. 

Treat a friend better than you want to be treated. 

Have a great day.


Sunday, April 4, 2021

When The Roll Is Called 4/4/2021

 Good Morning,

Happy Easter to all of you. You might not know me personally, but jus know this for sure. If you are reading this daily blog, you were prayed for. The radio in our den is playing softly. The sun is up. My mug is filled with Door County Hazelnut Creme Coffee. It is time to write. 

As I reflect today on Easter Sunday I am grateful for the fact that when I woke up on this fine day that I did not wake up in hell, and won't ever be there. Today we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus was laid in a tomb after His death and as promised in Scripture He was risen on what we now call Easter morning.

What power it took to bring this dead man back to life, make the Earth quake and then roll away a large stone. Power like that only can be found in God. The power to restore a life. It doesn't take a lot of power to end a life, but that heavenly power to resurrect a life after three days of death belongs to God and God only. 

Back in 1981 I found Jesus Christ and the process of cleaning up a reprobate life began. The first step was for me to admit that I needed a Savior. My life was void of God completely. That happened on one lonely night. God showed His power that night to restore life to a soul where there was no music, no purpose, no joy. God resurrected a dead soul.

Philippians 4/4 Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you, will carry it on until completion, until the day of our Lord Jesus.

2 Corinthians 5:8 We are confident, yea well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.

It has been a long haul at times and each day God continues to teach and lead this old soul to new improvements. He is not done with me yet. I know this for sure though, that I will be heaven bound on that final day when God calls me home. When He takes roll call I will be there.

Revelation 3:20. behold I stand at the door and knock. Behold if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to Him and dine with him and he with Me. 

No matter where you are, what you have done, God is still in the business of restoring souls to new life and life for eternity. Turn to Jesus today He's waiting to hear from you.


Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Day In-Between 4/3/2021

 Good Morning,

Not a lot of sleep for me last night. I am not even sure that Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee is going to work to wake me up.

Matthew 27:65-66 "Take a guard". Pilate answered. "Go and make the tomb as secure as you know how. So they went and made the tomb secure, by putting a seal on the stone and posting a guard.

Last night my brother and I volunteered to be part of a drama that lasts for three days. A local church where I used to be a member puts on a drama starting Good Friday and ends Easter morning. The drama depicts the crucifixion of Jesus, his burial, and the resurrection. The tomb where Jesus is laid is guarded by men wearing Roman Soldiers costumes. They stand three hour shifts 24/7 until Sunday morning. Our shift, which we asked for was from 10:PM Friday until 1:AM Saturday. There are certainly less people showing up to ask questions or pray after 10:PM. 

We both consider it an honor and privilege to serve and partake of the drama. We had a small fire to keep us warm.

My point for the day is this. Not too much happens on the Saturday before Easter. Good Friday is already in the past. So today, the day in-between, use this day to prepare for Sunday. Lay out your clothes for Sunday as well as clothing for the kids. Go to bed early and rise with enough time to pray and get the family going. Be on time for church! Plan ahead. 

Set an example for the family by being prepared to be on time. This sets the precedent for them in the future. 

Get the most out of your Easter, by making it important enough to be on time!

God bless,


Friday, April 2, 2021

Good Friday Thoughts 4/2/2021

 Good Morning,

The house was cold this morning and it didn't take long for the small fire burning in the hearth to warm us up. My prayer time stirred my soul and a cup of Door County Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Coffee topped off the morning.

Luke 23:39-43   39. Then one of the criminals, crucified with Him. blasphemed Him sayin, "If you are the Christ, save Yourself and us."

40. But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, "Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? 41. and we indeed, justly, for we receive the due reward for our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong."  Then he said to Jesus, "Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom."

43. And Jesus said to him, "Assuredly. I say to you, today you will be with Me in paradise. 

So many things one could write about on Good Friday, so many memories, so many thoughts. As I sit and think about all that took place many years ago on a hill called Golgotha and how Jesus suffered and died for the sins of the world, one thing always stands out for me. 

Jesus was crucified that day with two other people. Both of the other men were criminals. Yet One who was perfect and without sin was also labeled as a criminal that day. These other two were guilty of crimes.

All three were in pain. They had that in common. One of the criminals chose to take some of his last time on Earth and taunt Jesus. The other criminal sought compassion. Jesus, despite His own agony chose to show compassion and love to the one who sought it. 

In this example we see a life lesson. Some of you are experiencing pain, sorrow and hurt right now. And I can only imagine the depths of your anguish. Jesus could have easily told them both to shut up and let Him die. Yet during His suffering He chose to show compassion. On His worst day on Earth He could still be approached. Today with all your suffering, are you approachable? Can you be counted on to show compassion and love to others? On this Good Friday can you be counted on to make a difference in the life of others?

I have one Easter memory that I like to recall from my boyhood. The spring was unusually warm and times were tough in our home. Our mother was suffering after a heart attack and her first surgery, as well as car accident injuries. My Dad usually took my sister and I on Good Friday to purchase an Easter Lily for Mom. This particular year, lily money was not available. I recall sitting in the back yard of our home wishing I could find a way to give my mother some flowers without stealing tulips in the neighborhood. I recall praying and whining to Jesus on Good Friday. "I know this is a day to remember that I am a bad kid. And you died for my sins. But I just need some flowers".  I went to church that day, never believing my prayers were heard nor important enough to be answered. I thought Jesus was just good for one thing. I was a bad kid and there was probably no hope for me anyway.

On Easter Sunday (I was up with the sun)  in that same back yard, the wild roses which normally flowered in May, were wide open and on the East end of the property. We had a wall of yellow. I was able to clip a few, place them in a jelly glass (you will know what I mean if you are my age) and give them to Mom for Easter. My sister and I stood there so proud of ourselves. She was little at the time and was my companion in most everything I did. I let her put the water in the glass. But of that family of four, only I knew Who opened the roses. Jesus showed a little brat like me some compassion. I began to believe that God might be real.

Have a great day.


Thursday, April 1, 2021

It Wasn't The Nails 4/1/2021

 Good Morning,

A fire was necessary this morning as the weather reminded us that it's only April and in Wisconsin that doesn't actually mean we will have a heat wave.  So as the fire crackles and I sip on a hot cup of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee it is time to write. 

John 3:16 For God so loved the world (me) that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever (me) believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. 

I don't build much anymore, but when I do I always try to buy top grade building materials. I recall building a shed many years ago and I purchased a cheaper nail, thinking I was getting a bargain. Once we started construction it was totally obvious that the nails I purchased were not quality caliber. They would actually break at the nail head while driving them into the wood. The construction process had to stop because these nails wouldn't hold anything down or together. I went back to the supply depot and purchased some high quality nails and the last time I saw that shed, it was still standing and looked great after 30 years of wind, rain, and snow, as well as cold and hot temperatures. Everything held in place and it looks like that shed could last another 15 years or more.

1Peter 2:24 He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed.

As I prepare my heart for this upcoming Easter celebration I am reminded that Roman guards nailed Jesus  to a cross on Friday. I am sure they used quality nails that would not break and would hold a body in place for hours of torture. As I think about the power it took to drive those nails into hands and feet of Jesus and the size of the hammer used, I can only imagine the pain. Being God in human form our Lord endured massive pain that day. He was fully capable of performing miracles while on the cross, and could have made those nails pop out. But he didn't. Were the nails set into the wood so securely that Jesus could not come down off of that cross? Was he afraid to come down and face the Roman soldiers? What held Him there? It wasn't the nails. It wasn't the guards. It wasn't fear. 

Love kept Him there. Jesus was there to suffer and die for our sins. The Love of God kept Him there. Love for you and me. Maybe today you don't feel all that loved, but I tell you to read this again. Love for you and me kept Him on that cross to save us. This gift of unselfish love that offers forgiveness of our sins and eternal life with our God in heaven and is why we call Friday, Good Friday.

You are loved. 
