Saturday, August 1, 2020

Sitting It Out For Awhile 8/1/2020

Good Morning,

The windows are open and the fresh air is filling the house. A cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee is steaming next to me and now it is time to share a thought or two.

I was looking through some keepsakes of mine in the last few weeks taking some time to just relax and put together some thoughts.

Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. 

When my grandfather passed away many of his belongings were dispersed among the family members. My dad one day handed me a little book that had been stuck between larger books in my grandparents book case. It was a memo book from the Chicago North Western Railroad. Our grandfather worked for them from the time he was a kid until he retired in his 60's. He was very proud of his accomplishments and the company he worked for.

I said thanks to my Dad for the little book. But then he asked me if I saw anything peculiar in it. I opened it and saw that it had never been used. My dad told me to look closer. I did as he requested and then discovered that the calendar within the book was from 1957. That just happens to be the year I was born.  Not a thing was written in it and why it was there in the house I will never know.

But for now I am content to just look at it now and then as it sits on my desk. The only thing I see is that I was born on a Tuesday. However it did make me wonder what went through his head when he placed it on the shelf. Again I will never know.

The point of today is that I could wallow away the hours and get lost in yesterdays gone by. That book has a calendar with a beginning for me and is nice to look at as well as many of the family treasures in my little den. But today is another day in the calendar of my life and although it was nice to sit it out for a moment or two, it is more important to focus on today and what that will bring. We never get to repeat a day and in some cases I wouldn't want to. So after a little time spent going back in my mind I will move on and try to capture the good in this day and bring some kindness or good will to the day.

So, friends. Take time to remember and sit it our for awhile. But don't let the past rule the day. Get going on enjoying this day.

God bless,


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