Sunday, August 30, 2020

Just A Little Push Please 8/30/2020

Good Morning,

I sure can see the sun coming up this morning and I am enjoying a cup of Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee as it comes is starting to brighten the Eastern sky.

Hebrews 10:24-25 Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward  love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Some people ask why I attend church in person, especially now during this covid crisis and the service is readily available via the internet. Let me explain. We practice social distancing during our Saturday night service and wash our hands and those that are physically able wear masks. I could have eliminated the Saturday night service since I do 90% of the preaching and just told everyone who attends that it is now Sunday or nothing. That was not an option for me.

God does not need us to praise Him. He needs nothing from us. But this small Saturday night flock has needs. The need to praise together. The need to be encouraged during dark times like these and the ability to encourage others. The need to learn more about God. And the need to feel loved. After the church service we held a prayer gathering and from the prayer requests I gleaned that there was a true need for the group to be encouraged. The prayers shared showed hearts that are worried, concerned, and confused.

So as many people do, they go to church to be spiritually fed and that is ok. But have you ever considered that everyone has the ability to encourage someone, love others, and teach others. When I say everyone, I say YOU. I understand not gathering in public and utilizing media for now. But pull yourself away from the computer screen and do something for those you used to sit next to in church. Call them and encourage them. Pray for the day that you can meet safely in person. Did you know that the faithful old fellow that you saw every week is now laid up with an injury and could use a call. I see how Satan has used this pandemic event to break up the family of God with using the pandemic and substituting the internet to convince us that this is the way to go. We must pray to defeat this disease. During the battle let's still do our best, not just the pastors, elders and teachers to encourage, but you also jump in and encourage just as if we were in person. Be that cup of hot soup to an ailing church family. Reach out to someone today and spur them on.

Food for thought today.


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