Friday, August 21, 2020

Partners Around The World 8/21/2020

Good Morning,

I need to skip my cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee this morning for awhile. But later today I will enjoy a cup and get some work done.

Yesterday I was reading a blog post from a young friend of mine. She joined me on a mission trip to Haiti a few years ago and since then has become quite the missionary. She is a tiny lady with a beautiful smile and a heart that just shines for God. She knows no boundaries and is fearless as she ministers to Africa. I follow her travels via the internet and email.

2 Corinthians 1:11 You are also joining to help us when you pray for us. 

A couple days ago I was praying for her and asked God to bless her day. The next day she wrote how someone who makes two dollars a day and has a family with children gave her the gift of a chicken. There she was, walking down the street with a chicken. Most of all, she was humbled to know just how much her work was appreciated by this family. They expressed their love with a huge financial gift of a chicken. This was a big sacrifice and they put her, before their own needs.

Friends, I think that all too often we might just take prayer for others for granted. I saw first hand how my prayer in Wisconsin can have an impact in Kenya. We didn't have a prayer meeting or I didn't send out prayer requests to a couple hundred people. I just "partnered" with someone way over in Africa via prayer. Believe it or not, that call to God is faster than the internet. He already knew what I wanted before I prayed.

Matthew 6:7-9 And when you pray , do not heap up empty phrases as some do. For they think they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. 

We can be partners in the ministries of others, just through prayer. And we should be. The Covid 19 pandemic is also in Africa and my friend doesn't have access to health care. Yet she is there, loving people, serving their needs and presenting the love of Jesus to many people.

So today, someone you know, far away from you needs prayer. They could be ill, or depressed, lonely or in need of a chicken. How about stepping up and out in faith and praying for that person?

You can't go wrong in prayer. And remember it is toll free. You pay for the internet.

God bless,


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