Friday, August 14, 2020

That One Awful Sound 8/14/2020

Good Morning,

This day is promising to be a sunny one with lots for me to do. I am grateful for the hot cup of Door County Maple Coffee steaming next to me, reviving my taste buds and opening my eye lids.

Most all of you will know what I am talking about today. That one sound that can turn even this old guy into an Olympic hurdler, pole vaulter, and a world record sprinter. It's that unmistakable sound that comes from deep within the stomach of your child, grandchild, or dog that no matter how sound asleep you are causes you to fly out of bed and into action within nanoseconds. Yes the stomach volcano of a child or dog throwing up. I have experienced both human and canine stomach distress in my lifetime .

Psalm 103:3  It is God who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases.

No matter the species you are called to action. You run with towels, trash cans, bowls  or whatever is handy to avoid the projectile from be tossed about a room or a bed. You make a mad dash for the door with the dog, hoping to make it outside only to slip on the snow laden sidewalk and thus create another catastrophe.

You all know what I am talking about. Right now you are reliving some of those memories in your mind.

Where I am going with this today is to compare these vomit nightmares to our world today. Friends our world has an upset stomach. It has been hurling with covid, civil unrest, natural disasters and outright hatred. The world is puking. Like a child in the middle of the night is not going to stop before the vile spray hits, just because you want to sleep, the world needs immediate attention. Ignoring the sounds of that child or animal is not going to make it go away. The same with the world.

I am suggesting that every Christian take a knee for God and pray today and through this weekend. Fast if you are able and lift this world up for healing. The only healing and peace that can be found in Jesus Christ. I wonder how many will share this post? I wonder how many will not pray and just let the world vomit without trying to a least hold the hair back for a world we should love?

Sorry to ruin your breakfast, but it is time to spring up, pray and pray some more.


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