Thursday, August 27, 2020

When It Rains It Pours 8/27/2020

Good Morning,

I just sat down with a hot cup of Door County Blackberry Shortcake Coffee. I have two sleepy dogs at my feet and it is time to write.

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 

My mother always would exclaim "When it rains it pours." whenever troubles or problems would come in bunches. The other day when I was talking with someone about all the stuff going on in my family, they used that same expression.

A few storms have come up on the radar of my life in the last few days and you could say it is pouring out problems. Covid has struck within the family again and it is seriously working hard to claim a life. Cancer is wreaking havoc and will soon claim a life in the family. One car is giving us grief just because of new tires. Public unrest, with rioting and looting is just South of us and has many people here unwilling to trust others at all. A hurricane is bearing down on dear friends of ours. My mother in law and my wife attended a funeral for a family member killed in a car crash. My mother in law didn't weather this heat too well and introduced herself to the floor. She made it through some pretty scary moments.

This story could be and probably is the same for many, many people. As hard as I try to not worry about it I will honestly say that I am worried. It's hard to concentrate on normal life. But I know this.  I am not alone, and I am not stating this just because others are in the same boat. I am stating, claiming, and declaring that this ship of mine is not sailing alone. I know that God will carry me through the storms and despite the outcomes He will never leave my side. In that I find peace and strength.

My thoughts are this. Pray for one another. Lean on the Lord. Seek peace when you can.  Today is only a snap shot in time. Run to God and let Him be your shelter.


Thank you for the outpouring of prayers. Remember too look in your own arena of influence. There are many others hurting that you could help. Look also beyond your own eyes and boldly pray for others you haven't met yet.


  1. You are so strong in the Lord. He hears your prayers. Others know when you are praying for them even when you are miles away. You are His beloved. You are a mighty warrior in the Lord. He is with you. Am praying for you.

  2. Thank you Marty for the reminder that God will not let us walk alone. It is difficult to watch the hatred, division, and storms causing destruction. My prayer is that Our Lord will provide to those who need it most, but watch over me. May your family be well.

    1. Thanks. it is hard to say anything about the stuff going on in Kenosha except that it didn't need to happen. I pray for the city, as a whole and just can't seem to come to grips with it. You be safe and pray hard.

  3. Marty, I know you find it difficult to express troubles of your own family but realize that your brothers sisters in the LORD are keeping you before the mighty God
