Thursday, August 6, 2020

Sending Smoke Signals 8/6/2020

Good Morning,

This morning finds me back at the comfort of my old desk, surrounded by memorabilia of days gone by and being nudged by two rambunctious dogs who want to be outside running. I just poured myself a cup of Door County Chocolate  Cherry Coffee and not it is time to write.

1 Corinthians 10:24 Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.

My blog has been down for a few days for maintenance. Friends, the maintenance was to allow me to take a break, you could say my heart was just not in the right place for awhile and writing became difficult for me. So the maintenance was just some time away to sort out things of the heart, soul, and mind. Sometimes you just have to be silent and listen.

I arrived back home on Tuesday night after a short sabbatical and I was happy to smell the neighborhood. You might think after that statement that I need to go back to resting my mind a little more. But not really. I do mean I was happy to smell the neighborhood. I can always tell when our neighbors are grilling meat, or if they are enjoying a bonfire. Just enough smoke will make it to our property to let me take in the aroma of some apple wood or thick charcoal. I really enjoy the smell of a hot fireplace sending the smoke into the air near our home at night while I am outside in the winter. One neighbor has been burning some hard maple wood . That was the type of wood my father used to heat his home with and when you pulled up to the house in the dead of winter it was the first thing you smelled. That always signaled that you would be coming into a warm, welcoming environment. Then when mom was still alive the next aroma to embrace your sense of smell was some hot coffee and freshly baked rolls.

So when I took in the smells of the neighborhood my neighbors not knowing it, were sending me smoke signals indicating that they were happy, or well fed, or just content. This morning, the familiar aroma of fresh home made pasta sauce simmering in our kitchen was barely present in our back yard as I enjoyed a cup of coffee at the picnic table. All of our windows were open and the smell of oregano, garlic and bay leaves just touched my nostrils a little.

Friends what I am trying to say is this. Our neighbors send smoke signals our way and I enjoy them. But the signals unintentional on their part remind me that God has blessed us with good people to live near and that now and then without them even knowing it the smoke reminds me to pray for them and ask God to bless the gift of good neighbors.  A peaceful neighborhood is a blessing and should be treated as such. I just might smoke some meat tomorrow to signal that I am alive and well.

God bless your day. Go ahead and send some smoke signals.


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