Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Saying Goodbye To The Ham Radio Operator 4/30/2019

Good Morning,

I just woke up a little groggy from sleeping too well last night. It seems that I need a cup of Door County Turtles In A Cup Coffee to shake the dust off of my brain. A time of prayer, a little writing and then it's off to work.

Today is a bitter sweet day for me. One of my staff members is retiring today. We are all happy for him and rejoice that he is in good health and is ready to pull the plug on over thirty years of health care service. I won't mention his name because he is a quiet guy who seldom likes to be recognized. One of his hobbies is to operate his ham radio from his home. He talks to people all over the world. He really enjoys making contacts and chatting on his radio. If he treats the people he meets on his radio the way he has treated me, he is cared for around the world.

When I was in the hospital with my knee replacements he checked on Rene for me, and was the first to check on me in my room. He knows that I like different types of mustard. When he travels, he always returns with a sample of the local mustard. I take in extra coffee and will many times fill his mug with the last of my coffee before I leave at night. My Hammy works the night shift and is well liked by the people he serves with at night.

So today I will say goodbye and he will move on. I am sure we will keep in touch now and then, maybe even more now that we will be on the same time zone. But he left an impression on my heart because he treated me at all times with dignity and respect. He will do well in retirement, bringing fun and joy to his grandchildren.

Philippians 1:3 NIV
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy

What he doesn't know is that I will be praying for him now and then. That's what friends do. Make sure to pray for your friends. That is one way to treat others with love, dignity and respect.

God bless,



  1. A very moving tribute. I am also a "Hammy" and have known the individual in question since I was in high school. Different districts, and he was a senior. I was just 16.

    Almost a half century later he is still my friend and we still get together to enjoy radio, a beer, and embellish stories. What you wrote cuts to the core character of our friend. A more gentle and caring person would be impossible to find. And over a half century you would never find a better or more true friend.

    I hope to meet you on Saturday.
    Joe Reed N9JR
