Tuesday, April 2, 2019

And The Kid Grows Up And The Old Man Grows Older 4/2/2019

Good Morning World!

The old java maker is filling the room with the sweet aroma of Door County Silver Reserve Coffee. I am praying for a good day.

In mid May our grandson will be graduating from high school and then heading to the Georgia National Guard and college.  It seems like just yesterday he could ride on my shoulders and we would walk to the Krispy Creme store for our breakfast, that his mother would frown on. It seems just like yesterday that we would go fishing and he would want to row the boat and all we did was go in circles, but he was rowing. It seems like just yesterday that I purchased his first pocket knife and it wasn't too long before he needed a bandage. It seems like yesterday that he had his first sling shot.

Now he goes to youth group, attends a military academy, and has the near future all planned out. He has grown into a man and I have grown older. If I were to give him any advice I would say "Sonny remember that knife." A dull knife is not any good for anything. Stay sharp and don't let sin creep into your future. Stay sharp by having an accountability partner. Tell him your weakness and ask him to hold you accountable for your actions or lack of actions. It might hurt now and then to be honest and hear things you need to hear but don't want to. But that keeps you sharp and of use to your spouse, family, job and most of all God.

Grandparents, don't be afraid to pass on some advice. Before you know it they have their own families and you aren't always on their mind like when they were little kids. Soon they consider you old and not all that with it anymore.

Proverbs 27:17 New King James Version (ESV)

17 Iron sharpens iron,
    and one man sharpens another.

Job 12:12 English Standard Version (ESV)

    and understanding in length of days.

12 Wisdom is with the aged,

God Bless,


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