Saturday, August 11, 2018

Four Wheel Traction 8/11/2018

Good Morning,

That first cup of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee is going to sit just fine with me.

 Living in Wisconsin does allow me to experience snow storms. My vehicles of choice have four wheel drive. And believe me it comes in handy. During those storms I try to travel roads that are well known to me. The four wheels keep me on the right path. But I could choose not to use the four wheels and drive roads that are not familiar. I would be on the WRONG path and headed for trouble.

— Psalm 16:8 —
I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

By saying I "will not be shaken," David was talking about the unique sense of security felt by believers. God does not exempt believers from the day to day circumstances of life. Believers and unbelievers alike experience pain, trouble, and failure at times (Matthew 5:45). Unbelievers have a sense of hopelessness about life and confusion over their true purpose on earth. Those who seek God, however, can move ahead confidently with what they know is right and important in God's eyes. They know that God will keep them from being moved off of his chosen path.

How many of your wheels are engaged with God? Are you on the right path today?

God bless,
