Thursday, August 23, 2018

Drawing Without An Eraser 8/23/2018

Good Morning,

Thursday arrived right on time and it is leading off for Friday and the two heavy hitters, Saturday and Sunday. My mug was just filled with some very hot Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and it is now time to write.

I heard a quote from an unknown author that "Life is like drawing without an eraser". Like many things that a run across or into, this quote sent my mind whirling. Drawing without an eraser is not easy to do. It means that once a mistake is made on the paper, it is there forever and the best any artist can do is to incorporate the mistake into the finished product and try to make something good out of the mistake.

Proverbs 22:3 English Standard Version (ESV)
The prudent sees danger and hides himself,
    but the simple go on and suffer for it.

So if I may interpret this quote "Life has mistakes, they will come no doubt. But it's what we learn from the mistakes or how we overcome them that counts. Can we make some good out of a mistake?". For instance while playing dodge ball as a young boy at school, I threw the ball and it broke a window. The window was broke and it had to be replaced. It cost me my hard earned money but the lesson I learned was not to play ball near windows.

Mistakes are not made to happen again. A fool returns to the mistake and makes it again. Mistakes cannot be erased but should be a learning experience. The learning experience causes maturity to grow within us.

Mistakes are good things to avoid if possible, but they will happen, it's what we make of them that counts. We can't live life without mistakes. If we hid from adventure, some of us would never have experienced the love of a spouse. We ventured out, took our time and met the spouse God intended for us. Jobs are an adventure and a half. If we were afraid to try a job fearing a mistake we would starve to death. My third real job in life was a year and a half of total misery. But I learned how I would never manage if I were in charge. I have applied that lesson learned.

So today, learn from your mistakes and try to avoid making them again. "Stupid is as Stupid does." (Forest Gump)

Have a great day!


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