Friday, June 2, 2017

The Stinky Track 6/2/17

Good Morning,

My cup has been graced by the presence of some Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. Nice way to start a Friday.

When I was a young boy I would visit my grandparents in Upper Michigan during the summer for a few weeks. My grandfather and I would trap mud minnows on some remote ponds and use them as bait for fishing. To get to these ponds, we would rdrive out of town a few miles. We would park at railroad crossing and walk down the tracks about a half a mile to get to the ponds. Grandpa had several different ponds for us to trap minnows Oon. Grandpa used to work for the railroad. When we walked the tracks he would tell me history stories about certain areas of the track and what happened there.

One day he told me that the next curve and small hill had been named "stink curve". It was at this curve that a locomotive collided with four deer on a hot night. Deer parts were strewn all over the gravel and tracks. The sun rotted the deer meat and for a long time the area near the collision was rancid air. Thus "stink curve".

This incident occurred many years before I walked those tracks. But he would tell me that if he closed his eyes and stood still he could recall the smell vividly. Grandpa said, "that stink never leaves".

Sometimes our life is like  stink curve. We do something wrong an then find out that the consequences stink. The stink of our issue stays with us and we forget to seek out God and His forgiveness. Soon our attitude towards others stinks also.

1 John 1:9  If we confess our sins, He Iis faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness.

Nobody likes to smell stinky shoes. When they get bad enough, we toss them out. How about taking the stink in our lives and tossing it aside today?  The smell of life can change.

Love to all,
