Thursday, June 8, 2017

Maybe They Don't Know 6/8/2016

Good Morning,

It sure is good to wake up and see the roses blooming and then smell the Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee brewing in the kitchen. Time to write and pray.

We all have family, friends, and acquaintances that we interact with daily. There are those who inspire you, some who you can't imagine life without them, some you love dearly, and some you appreciate for who they are or what they do. It would be a shame for them not to know how you feel about them. We are verbal people who talk and were made to be relational. Yet we struggle to communicate our feelings of love, admiration, pride and appreciation. I have a friend who is a missionary in Haiti and often sacrifices all that he has for others. Every now and then I need to let him know that I am proud to know him and that it was a blessing to serve with him. he needs to know that. My wife needs to hear how much she is the love of my life. My daughter and her family need to know that Grandpa prays for them because he loves them and can't imagine life without them. They need to know they are loved. Friends need to hear that they are loved and needed. We are representatives of God on this Earth. Shouldn't we speak the language of love to others and mean it?

Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.” (1 John 3:18 NLT)

I think we can all do better. When was the last time you told God how much you love Him? If it was more than a day ago, you need to get on it!

No one important to you should go into a love drought because you did not express verbally your love for them.

In case no one told you today that you are loved. I love you all. God bless. Have a wonderful day!
