Friday, March 11, 2016

Television And God 3/11/2016

Good Morning,

I need the Door County Highlander Grog Coffee to not only taste good but I need it to warm me up this morning. Sleep was not a friend of mine last night.

Today is the last day in our series "A Crisis Of Faith". A few years ago while project leading a large group in a small country with many needs I planned a day where the we prayed and asked God what He wanted us to do. This caused us to have many little  groups all responding to a call from God to join Him in his work. We did have one large group that decided that God told them to stay together and go into town and perform a mime drama that they had prepared. They were going to do this in the streets. It was a beautiful drama with a call to Jesus for salvation at the end.

Some other groups split off and did various things. One group in particular was led to go up on a hill and pray. They stayed there all day. Later in the afternoon all the groups returned and I had them tell all of us about their day. God was great in so many ways. But the one I am writing about today comes from the guys on the hill who were praying.  They shared that they prayed for each person on the trip, and then prayed for many other needs, "Our prayer was truly Spirit led". They also told us that what God revealed to them up on that hill was that all the little shacks where people lived could be seen from the hill. As poor as the people were they noticed that just about every home had access to a television. They said that the Holy Spirit led them to pray that somehow the people could be reached through television.  That's when the drama team fell off of their seats. It seems that while performing their mime/drama in the street a local television producer came by and thought that it was so good that he wanted to televise their drama that night. We had to make some travel arrangements for the evening and our driver agreed to stay late. The group went to a very undersupplied recording garage and their Gospel production hit the airwaves. Later they told us that while performing in the street that had prayed for a bigger exposure to people.

Both groups prayed, God led, they obeyed and heavenly food was produced.

Here's the crisis of faith. They knew what God wanted, but had no way of working it out until He took over and provided a way. He will do the same for you,.

Proverbs 2:9New King James Version (NKJV)
Then you will understand righteousness and justice,Equity and every good path.
Happy Friday,

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