Saturday, March 12, 2016

Oops The Elevator Stopped 3/12/2016

Good Morning,

Headed out to work today a little earlier than usual. I have a couple of projects going on at two hospitals. It's nice to be needed. So today I broke out the big Thermos bottle and filled it with Door County White Christmas Coffee. Time to order the spring flavors now. As I think about going to work, my thought is this. It is good to have a job that I like.

A couple nights ago while on my way to attend a meeting downtown I found myself waiting for an elevator to take me to my destination in an office building. The building was closed basically except for the meeting. No one was around except on the floor where I was headed. The doors to the elevator opened and I pushed the button for my desired floor. The doors closed and the elevator started to move upward. Very soon into my ride the elevator car stopped. The floor indicator in the car let me know that it had stopped between floors. I pushed a lot of buttons and nothing happened. My ride was suspended in air and I wasn't moving. When I used the phone inside the elevator it instructed me to leave a message and someone would call back. My cell phone did not have reception so using that idiot box that the world depends on was not going to work. To complicate things, the super sized soda that I was carrying (almost empty) had overloaded my bladder. My mind was going a million miles a minute. Do I use the cup as a toilet and risk the doors opening mid stream? Do I continue to hold the pressure back and die from bladder poisoning?  This was the topper to a day that I would not describe as an "Eat Some Cake" day. A good friend of mine from work announced her retirement and it was a surprise. I am extremely happy for her but was looking forward to a swan song of knocking the ball out of the park with one last inspection. My Jeep decided to act up and needed a repair, and another friend of ours was taken off of life support.  I began to think that staying in the elevator over night and using the super sized cup as a toilet wasn't all that bad. It seemed as if life would stop until the next morning and nothing else could bother me if I stayed there, locked in.

Now, about twenty minutes later the elevator moved and opened to a maintenance technician who had answered the message. He had reset the elevator and I started moving again. I did thank him for rescuing me from my safe haven quickly. The bladder was still full and a restroom was down the hall. I believe I just ran my first and last 4.9 second forty yard dash. He must have had a good laugh.

What does this have to do with a devotional? Well, life throws some curve balls at us once in awhile and does not go as planned. We can withdraw and pout within ourselves creating a fortress that can't be moved. Or we can stop for short time to ponder or rest and then move on. When the load gets heavy we need to keep moving, but not on our own. It's ok to pause and look up to the One who loves you most.

Isaiah 40:11                 
Like a shepherd He will tend His flock, In His arm He will gather the lambs And carry them in His bosom; He will gently lead the nursing ewes.

More good advice. never drink a super sized anything before an elevator ride. If you do, take the cup along for the ride.

God bless,


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