Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A Walk In The Dark 3/1/2016

Good Morning,

I was awakened by the dog barking a few minutes before the alarm clocked declared war on my sleep. Gibbs it seems, knows when a rabbit is in the front yard and that is worthy of waking us up. The Door County Autumn Spice Coffee just started gurgling into the pot. Let's start this day.

Last night I needed some fresh air before going to bed. I stepped outside with our dog Gibbs for a few minutes. I actually do this quite often. During all four seasons you can find me outside at night sitting at the picnic table looking into the sky. There wasn't much to see last night except for a few snow flakes falling on to my face and glasses. On clear nights I like to look at the moon and the stars while I pray before bed. It's all in my head and really is a little weird, but I seem to feel best about my prayer time when I am outside. But I am comfortable because I always dress for the weather and sometimes a cup of tea accompanies me on my journey to the outdoors for a "good night with God".

There is nothing special about the moon and the stars except that they often paint the sky with beauty, mixed in with a cloud or two they create art work from heaven. It's like those digital picture frames that continually change from one photo to the next. Each night is different and when I go out to see it I know that God sees His creation and He knows I am enjoying it. Some how I feel like the only person in the world and even if I was, He would paint that sky for me to see. I must be a creature of habit because I enjoy the morning sunrise just as much. I wondered about what the reason could be for enjoying the morning sunrise and the evening stars. It wasn't hard to figure out the reason. It's usually the time when I am in prayer. I guess everything is sweeter when you are experiencing it with God.

Psalm 147:4-5New King James Version (NKJV)
He counts the number of the stars;
He calls them all by name.
Great is our Lord, and mighty in power;
His understanding is infinite.
It might be a walk in the dark, but I am never alone and those walks grow sweeter every day.
Have a wonderful day.

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