Saturday, May 16, 2015

Plugged Gutters 5/16/2015

Good Morning,

Happy Saturday to you. I hope your weekend finds you doing something you like. I like starting my day with a cup of Door County Raspberry Butter Crunch Coffee and that is just what I did.

John 13:34-35   
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Thursday night I was watching a pretty heavy rain pelt our home and yard. The view from our kitchen window told me a story I did not want to hear. I saw the rain spilling over the gutter along the North side of the garage. This told me that spring debris from our white birch tree had blown off of the tree and had plugged the flow of water from the roof, through the gutter and into the downspout.
Left plugged, the gutter would eventually cause a roof leak.

Last night I dragged out the ladder and proceeded to start my chore. The gutter as I expected was plugged with debris. But something more seemed to be holding the water from flowing, something a little more stubborn than tree debris. I finally reached the end where the gutter attaches to the downspout, and there it was. And old beehive must have blown from the tree or off of the house and made it's way to the gutter. No way was water going to flow through that woven mess.  Once I removed the hive the water and all the smaller debris flushed away right down the storm drain.

Our ability to love others can often seem like a plugged gutter. Something very stubborn blocks our path. Pride often gets in the way. "They don't deserve my efforts." Anger is one culprit that plugs the heart. "They hurt me so why should I love them?"

Friends, a heart that does not have love flowing from it for others is like a plugged gutter. Eventually the blockage causes damage. The damage to the heart is that it learns to close down to love easier with each experience that doesn't go just exactly the way we want it to. Pretty soon we find faults with everyone except ourselves. That leads to a pretty lonely existence.

So perform your own heart surgery and clear the blockage in your hearts. Ask God to show you how to lose your pride, forgive if needed and move on to a heart that overflows with love for others. A hearts beats best when it beats for others.

Have a great day!


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