Thursday, April 10, 2014

When Life Hurts 4/10/14

Good Morning,

Moving slow today. My coffee, steaming in my cup is Door County Cookie Dough. Looking forward to coming home from work to some smoked salmon for supper.

Sometimes our journey in life brings us to days that just plain hurt, either emotionally or physically. Sometimes both are on life's menu for the day. It could be the death of a loved one, loss of a job, news about poor health, physical pain that surpasses the pain scales of nine and ten. Some days just hurt.

April 10th is a day that I recall emotional pain and hurt. I have not shared this publicly. A few years ago I received a call on a Friday night that my mother was in grave condition and needed to be flown to a bigger medical center for intensive care. Within minutes I was in my car and driving toward a medical center two -three hours away to be with my mother. Of course I was driving fast and praying for her to be healed and for God to guide the doctors and nurses caring for her. About 45 minutes into the ride while looking at my speedometer I decided to pray and ask God, "will I make it in time?" As clear as a bell came the reply.

"In My Father’s house are many mansions;[a] if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for her

I don't know if that was audible or if it was just in my head. To this very day, I do not know. But I slowed down and within seconds my cell phone rang and it was the hospital chaplain. I said to him "my mother passed away didn't she"? He told me that she had just passed away. He asked me how I knew. I just laughed a little and said that I had already heard. That day hurt, but God took the time to let me know that He had her. I knew that she was in the best place anyone could be.

On the way home I called some of my dear friends from church after I had informed the rest of the family. It was then that God sent these friends to be with us and pray with us. He took care of us again, through our church family.

1 Peter 5:7

King James Version (KJV)
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

In times of hurt and pain we have a Heavenly Father who desires to comfort us. He might do it with a word or by sending someone to us. He hears us when we cry.

Are you ready to answer God's call when He wants you to comfort a friend or loved one? Are you willing to go in the middle of the night? God's looking for those kind of people. How about saying to Him, "here am I, send me". You never know when the blessing might be repaid.

God bless.

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