Friday, April 25, 2014

Sweet Coffee 4/25/14

Good Morning,

Friday at last you have returned. My coffee this morning is Door County Blueberry Cobbler.

Acts 20:35
"In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

By now if you read this devotional at least weekly you have figured out that I like my coffee. My wife is not a coffee drinker. She is a Dr. Pepper supporter. I think we should have purchased stock in that company. She hasn't grown up yet and learned to appreciate a fine cup of coffee. She doesn't know what she is missing. But among many things that she does know, there is one thing she knows well. She knows me inside out.

Since I am the coffee drinker the coffee pot is my duty to program for the morning, fill with water and choose the flavor of the day. With each cup of coffee I add a package of sugar substitute sweetener. I purchase the sweetener in bulk boxes. We have a small pantry in our basement where my supply of sweetener is kept. I have a container in the cupboard above the coffee pot that I fill with sweetener packs. The day before yesterday my sweetener container ran out of little pink packs. A trip was needed to the basement for more. That night I was exhausted and as I set up the coffee maker I pulled the container which does resemble a large shot gun shell and left it on the counter. I had made the decision that I was going to bed and I would refill the shot gun shell in the morning.

When the alarm clock went off yesterday morning and after I talked myself out of smashing it I was up and off to the kitchen. The coffee was brewing and I had my cup in hand. I looked for my sweetener container and it wasn't where I left it the night before. I looked in the cupboard and there it was, filled right to the top with pink packages of sweetener. I was amazed. I commented that I did not know that there was a coffee fairy.

What really happened was that my sweet wife who is worried about my rest and health made the trip downstairs to the pantry and filled the shot gun reservoir. That made my day. I came home last night and thanked her. A few moments later she asked me how my day was. I replied "very sweet because of you." We both laughed and agreed that I will never be a card writer for Hallmark. Rene does a lot for me, that's no doubt. But it is those little things that she does going out of her way that helps me to see the love of Jesus in her.

I pray that someone sweetens your day.

God bless,

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