Monday, April 28, 2014

Skunk in the House 4/28/14

Good Morning.

Where did the weekend go? It seems to travel faster that the weekdays. My coffee today as I head out the door is Blueberry Cobbler made by the Door County Coffee Company.

Proverbs 12:2

A good man will obtain favor from the LORD, But He will condemn a man who devises evil. - -

I can't remember ever hearing of a cologne called essence of skunk. I live in an area where we often are treated to the odor of a skunk that has dispensed his or her pungent tail blast on to someone or something. I don't ever recall my wife asking me to drive by the odor again by saying "please, please may we smell that again."

Skunks are what we would term with American slang language as a stinker. We also use the term "stinker" as a label for someone who is misbehaving. "Oh he is being a "little stinker". This implies that the "odor of behavior" is not wanted  or needed. You would rather not be around that person or you would prefer at the moment to not have them in the house.

In your home are you the stinker? Are you the skunk of the house? Does your family say to each other. "wow that stinker needs to leave"?

Our behavior and attitude should be such that we are a sweet aroma to our friends and family.

We don't have to be known as the "skunk in the house". Behavior is a choice. We choose just how we behave. So make the right choice. Start be telling someone today that they are loved by God and that you love them. Love is a cologne for the heart that removes the skunk odor that we have allowed to live within us.

God bless,





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