Monday, December 9, 2013

Thieves In The Night 12/9/13

Good Morning,

My cup is filled with Door County Christmas Coffee. I need a hot cup to start a long day.

This story is true.. I lived the experience. Last week a load of firewood was delivered to our home and unloaded in the driveway on Friday. The pile was quite large and with my weekend schedule pretty filled with work and church events I was worried that I would not get the pile stacked in it's proper place before a snow storm came Sunday. ( which it did)  My plan was to preach Saturday night and then get up good an early to move the pile Sunday morning before the snow flew.

So that's what I did. But much to my surprise when I opened the garage door and put on my work gloves the pile of wood was gone. Rene and I had gone to be about 11:30 PM. I never heard the thieves stealing our wood. The dogs never barked which started me to think about the worth of two dogs who don't hear a wood pile being stolen. (The picture above shows one half of the wood.) This really bothered me. I started a rental car that we are using while my Jeep is being repaired. Both of the keys are on a cable. So what you have are two keys that cannot be separated on one cable. As I slammed the door, the locks triggered and now the keys were inside a locked car that was running. And my wood pile was missing!!!!!!!!! I decided to drink a cup of coffee and calm down after I called AAA for assistance with the keys. I walked into the backyard and saw that my wood pile had been moved to it's proper location and neatly stacked. ( In the middle of the night) I still questioned our dogs worth as watch dogs. It didn't take too long to figure out that one family from church had performed that duty to surprise us with a gift of their hard labor. The joke was on me. No thieves just God's workers loving on us. We were blessed once again. We want to say thank you to them here on the blog. We love you guys and are laughing pretty hard.
Ecclesiastes 3:4        
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

I guess I wept, laughed, mourned, and danced, and never left the driveway.

Love you all,

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