Sunday, May 1, 2022

You Are With Me 5/1/2022

 Good Morning,

I am sure that this hot mug of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee will need to be refilled soon. It is very tasty and feels good as it warms me up today. 

Last night, while at church for our Saturday service we had some powerful storms move across our state. For a short time we actually moved within the building to a place that was more secure against storms. All ended well and eventually we went home. I couldn't help but think about what I would be writing today' Today will be the last day of our venture into the 23rd Psalm and it's message of hope and security. 

Psalm 23:r Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For You are with me. Your rod and staff, they comfort me. 

I have had to cling to this verse more than a few times in my life. One week many years ago, while serving on a short term mission trip in a foreign country, I was very uneasy about the safety for myself and the team I was leading. A civil disturbance had broken out and martial law was declared in the area we were serving in. Rioting was the norm for the day and the military was dispatched to the area. The air was sharp with the impact of tear gas and burning vehicles. I recall that just two days before this, I was reading the 23rd Psalm. I have the experience underlined in my Bible. 

That night after we returned from our work in the field we were greeted by the military and given instructions as to what our boundaries were for our safety. God had provided for our safety. Now the military was well armed and looked fierce enough to do the job, although I was thinking about some of the weapons I owned back in my vault at home and wishing one or two of them were with me. I opened my Bible once more and read Psalm 23:4 and felt the warmth of security that it brought to me. It meant so much to know that God was with us. I especially took comfort in the the words "You are with me". It was a long night, yet I was able to sleep some and we continued our work in a refugee camp the next day. 

You might be walking a tough road yourself today. But rest assured you are not walking it alone. Never alone.

Food for thought. 



  1. If we know Jesus we are never alone.

  2. Your words always bring wisdom as well as comfort. Thanking God for you as his vessel
