Sunday, May 29, 2022

Sitting Outside And Taking In The Morning.

 Good Morning,

Nothing like a hot mug of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee to help you wake up. It's a beautiful morning to be here. 

Yesterday morning and this morning has me writing from our back yard. The weather is so nice that it would be a shame not to be having my coffee outside. 

Mark 1:35 And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went to a desolate place, and there he prayed. 

Here is what I observed while sitting here. The grass is heavy laden with dew. Two rabbits seemed to be enjoying their breakfast on our lawn. Our two dogs wanted to chase them away, but I made the dogs sit and  let the two furry bunnies dine in peace.  The sun is coming up and it is a beautiful sunrise. Two mallards flew out of the creek and are going somewhere for breakfast. A dozen or more geese can be heard close by and will be getting up from their night time resting spot. I can hear them as they get restless and are preparing to move. There is no breeze at all and the small fire I made in the firepit has the cherry wood smoke going straight up and it smells so so good. 

From my view point you wouldn't think there are any problems in the world at all. But I know differently. Somewhere a mother mourns the loss of her child. Another day finds a war in Europe still raging. The cancer wards, are still without a cure, and some poor soul is sitting in a home for memory loss trying to remember their own name. Covid issues just don't seem to be going away and now peanut butter isn't safe to eat. Last but not least, there isn't enough baby formula to go around. Families are still being torn apart because of anger and hurt feelings. 

So for an hour I just decided to enjoy the peace of watching the sun come up and I retreated from the problems of the world and took in a morning that has my name written all over it. And once this blog is written I will finish my coffee and pray for every one of these issues. If the beauty of a morning like this and the quiet does not bring a person to prayer for a world that seems out of control I wonder what would?

So if you find that for an hour you have nothing to complain about, take it in and pray for those who need peace, supplies and hope. Be thankful that the sun rose on your face and enjoy your coffee. Even Jesus took time early in the morning to find a place to pray. 

God bless, you all. You are loved.


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