Monday, May 2, 2022

The Tractor Is Ready 5/2/2022

 Good Morning,

My day is beginning with a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and prayer. Monday here I come. 

Titus 3:2 To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people. 

This April was a little colder than normal and so not much yard work has been done in our little portion of the world. However the grass has begun to grow a little and is looking kind of shaggy. Let it be known that I have a wife that likes to drive the lawn tractor and keep the grass groomed. She always says that she enjoys listening to her music while she cuts the grass and the time on the tractor relaxes her.

So yesterday I went over the tractor and did some maintenance on it. The lawn implement is ready to roll. Now what does this have to do with a daily devotional or anything motivational whatsoever?  Here it goes. Just the other day Rene asked me if the tractor was ready to use. That was her way of letting me know she wanted to get going outside and that she really wanted to tackle the lawn. Note, she never said, "when will the tractor be ready." Or "Hey I want to cut the grass. Please get that tractor ready". 

There was no demanding time frame for me to get it done and no pressure at all. Yet, knowing that she has been stressed lately I could take a gentle hint that she needs a tractor ride. In return to her nice hint, she received what she needed and before she had to hint twice. 

I believe that part of the love languages is listening and filling in the blanks as needed. Too many times in life a blow up occurs when we don't ask for things politely or respond to a need in good time. The reply to a question or a need should also be polite. Kind words without being demanding or snarky make a relationship spin a lot better. Please and thank you go a long way. Not setting your partner's schedule for them is also a great way to keep peace. 

Last night, there is no doubt that Rene heard the tractor start up. I walked into the house and she was smiling and I received a heartfelt thank you. 

Have a great day. Be nice and considerate. 


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