Monday, February 14, 2022

Slow Down. You Are Walking Too Fast. 2/14/2022

 Good Morning. 

Duty calls and I am headed to work soon. I had a cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee and my breakfast already and it is time to write. 

Galatians 6:2 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 

I love to watch toddlers walk and take in all there is to see around them. I understand that as adults we have schedules to keep and all too often there is an urgency to be on time in our daily journey. I was able to visit a museum last week with my family and there was so much to see. It was easy to get wrapped up in one exhibit and before you knew it the family had moved on to the next item of interest and you were behind them, or maybe looking for them.

One man in particular was holding the hand of what I would say was a two year old little girl. He was very tall and his gait was much lengthier than hers. He walked and she was running to keep up. The little girl was also distracted by all the things she was seeing and it made their travel more difficult. I don't know why he was in such a hurry so I will not judge that part of my observance. What did cross my mind was this. "She can't keep up with you. Why don't you pick her up and carry her"? 

The point I am attempting to drive home is this. We all have a different pace to our lives and each person travels through circumstances on a different time frame or sense of urgency. Sometimes we need to just slow down ourselves and let them enjoy the season they are in. In other times when to hurry is called for some folks cannot pick up the emotional pace. Although they are moving forward they just cannot seem to get to the finish line. It's times like these when it is more important to help by carrying them (not literally) by showing them the way and helping them. Someone might be grieving a loss and just can't get moving along with life. A perfectly kept house is a mess like never seen before. We could carry the load for awhile and do a little cleaning for them. We could show up and take them out for a walk, a drive or lunch. Or we could just sit and listen to them. They can't keep up for now and we have to slow down and bring them along or help them to rest.  Some people need to take it all in and be in the moment. We cannot drag them through it. We need to slow down and bring them along at their pace.

Sounds simple to me.

Have a great day. 


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