Saturday, February 26, 2022

Don't Be On An Island Alone 2/26/2022

 Good Morning,

The air here is cold and crisp . Last' night's fire in the hearth still had some embers glowing this morning and the house is still pretty warm. A very hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee is warming my insides and now it is time to write. 

Yesterday was a busy day for me professionally and besides that, winter gave us some snow to deal with. I am blessed to have a wife who doesn't mind getting out in the cold to shovel some snow with me. A few of our neighbors were also out of town and it was my turn to remove snow for them. They have always helped me when I needed it. So you could say that the law of the harvest was applied yesterday.  God is good. It didn't take too long to clean up the snowy mess. 

During my day I was able to chat with a young fella who let on that he is struggling personally. At that moment, snow removal became last on my mind. This young guy needed to talk. While he was talking about his thoughts I was listening and praying at the same time. My heart was hurting for this guy. At the same time it was rejoicing in the fact that we could talk candidly and I could show that I truly cared. 

I will get right to the point today. Everyone struggles now and then and each struggle is different. For men, who are wired to be able to fix things, we often go through struggles alone and keep things to ourselves. It can get pretty desolate on the island we place ourselves. I have been there. And when you try to fix all that life throws at you alone, the more we get convinced that we can't succeed. We should try to have one person that we can confide in who will listen, offer biblical help, prayer and not be offended if called upon at 2:AM. We then should be that type of person in return. 

Friends, sometimes the troubles of life stick to us like glue and we need a little help in removing them. Like a liquid spill in the oven might need some abrasive cleaning to get rid of the mess, we might find that we need to be sharpened in our relationship with God, family, and others. The best sharpener I have found for my pocket knife is an iron hone. It removes the nicks in the blade and sharpens the steel.

A chat with another person who loves us and will tell it like it is, does the same for a heart and soul. When we place ourselves on an island of "I can do this alone" we take a pass on the resources God has placed here for us to use.  

Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. 

Genesis 2: 18. The the Lord God said. " It is not good for man to be alone." 

Proverbs 18:24 A man my have many friends, but there is one who sticks closer than a brother. 

I truly believe that all men need someone who is in their circle of friends who can be trusted to give advice, counsel, point them to God, and hold them accountable.

May God bless, your day! 


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