Thursday, February 3, 2022

Pass The Finger Please. A Little Lighter Fare For Thursday 2/3/2022

 Good Morning,

I just poured a hot mug of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee and I am taking my sweet time drinking it today. So let's write.

Ecclesiastes 3:4 A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. 

I looked back over the last two weeks and some of my daily writing has been pretty heavy . So today after some prayer I am convinced that I need to lighten it up, sweeten it up and cheer it up a little. 

My wife is type 1 diabetic and it's not too often that we even have any sweet stuff in the house. Many years ago while Rene was drinking some unsweetened lemonade I saw her grimace after the first swig. She had just begun experimenting with sugar substitutes. I was the one who mentioned to her that instead of going without some pleasures, she should try the sweeteners that were hitting the markets. I rationalized that she had already been drinking Sugar Free Dr. Pepper. I have to tell you that after drinking the lemonade without enough sweetener added her face matched the flavor. "Old Sourpuss" needed some help. She reached for another two packages of the sweetener and I took them away from her. I said. "no need for more. I have this covered." I put my index finger into her drink and stirred. My next comment floored her. "I am sweet enough for you and I will make that drink taste sweeter than anything you can imagine" I retrieved my finger from her drink, licked off the lemon juice and sad "try that".

The look she gave me was priceless. I was told if I wanted my finger broke, "just stir that lemonade one more time". Then both of us broke into laughter and as Rene walked away she mumbled something about marrying a stooge. She said I was all three stooges rolled into one. 

We still laugh about that one and I still use the line now and then. But my goal was complete today, by having the laugh I was looking for. I needed some humor to start the day. 

God bless,


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