Monday, February 28, 2022

Sitting In The Sunshine. 2/28/2022

 Good Morning,

The new week is here and the and tomorrow will be the start of a new month. I just poured myself a hot mug of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and now it is time to write. 

I have said it more than once that our two Springer Spaniels have some peculiar habits. Yesterday while writing my blog, I was sitting in our second story den and as the sun was coming up in the East. It illuminated the room with a full dose of daylight. I wish I would have had a camera to capture a photo. Both dogs positioned themselves in the bright light coming through the window. The were absorbing the sunshine and the heat generated from the sun and the glass. Both of them cuddled next to each other and just took full advantage of the sunshine. 

My goal for today is this. Many people walk in spiritual darkness. Now both dogs have full access to everywhere in the house. But they had to make a choice to move from a comfortable bed in the living room to the den to sit in the light and bask in it's warmth. They went up a flight of stairs and sought out the best spot in the house for sunshine in the morning. 

We all too often walk in the darkness of life, just hoping that someone will lead us to the light. But, in many instances, even when having someone lead us to the way, we continue to stay in the darkness and not move toward that light.

James4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

Our two dogs chose to bask in the sunshine and they were not disappointed. They slept content on the floor. I did however observe that as the sun moved the dogs moved with it. Once the sun was in the West they were repositioned to receive the warmth and comfort it brought. They desired to be in the sun. They made sure to travel with it. 

Do you desire to be in the light today? God promises that when we seek Him out and draw near to Him, He draws nearer to us. Make that first move and experience God, knowing that He desires to be close to you. You are as close to God as you choose to be. 


Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Light Has Begun To Be Seen. 2/27/2022

 Good Morning,

The sunshine is coming in through the window to our den. The Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee is filling the room with a sweet aroma and it is time to write.

Last night I attended (led) the monthly prayer meeting at our church. We hold it after the church service every last Saturday of the month. It was very well attended and of course the Ukrainian people were prayed for in abundance. We also followed Scripture and prayed for Russia. Those of you in Russia who might read this, please note that you were prayed for also. 

One prayer request that was taken, I felt was more like a praise to God. My good friend who has battled one ailment after another for two years now, raised his hand to voice his prayer request last night. As with all situations like this we have been praying non stop for this fella. He has been unable to work during these last two years and because of the ailments, and he lost his job. As he raised His hand and began to speak, his request was for himself. This is out way off normal for him. Most of the time he requests prayers for others and now and then would request prayer for his situation. My friend was requesting prayer to find a job. He is at the point where he feels he can go back to work and perform a job and do it well once more. I listened to the request but in my heart while listening, I was saying a short prayer of thanks. This has been a long time coming, and it was awesome to hear that our prayers for him were answered. To God be the glory. 

Luke 17:11-19 Now on His way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border of Samaria and Galilee. As He was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and cried out. "Jesus master, have pity on us."

When He say them he said, "Go show yourself to the priests." And as they went they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back and in a loud voice was praising God. He threw himself at the feet of Jesus and thanked him This man was a Samaritan. 

Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed and healed? Where are the other nine? Has no one else returned to give praise God, except this foreigner?" Then He said to him, "Rise and go. Your faith has made you well.". 

In my mind and heart it was very important to show an attitude of gratitude. It would have been wrong for us to go on to his request without being grateful for him being back in a place of seeking employment. The Saturday night flock was smiling and grinning, more than happy to have heard the good news and move on to that employment request. My friend was humble as well as the rest of us. He was very grateful to God, giving Him the glory and honor for bringing him to this next step. 

Prayers sometimes take a long time to be answered. I will be the first to admit that there were times during this battle where I thought our prayers were not being heard. But God, in his own time decided the when, and where, we would hear a request like this. I am not sure what my friend learned during this time of pain and anxiety, I might not ever know. But I know this, for sure, it was a privilege to be able to be there and turn the chapter to a new request. 

Friends, when heaven is silent and we don't see light at the end of the tunnel, we still need to keep praying and then pray some more. I always welcome comments to this blog. You can leave prayer requests in the comment section anytime and I promise you they will be taken seriously and prayers will be lifted up for you. Please, always to remember to thank God for your request and what He does on that request. 

God bless,


Saturday, February 26, 2022

Don't Be On An Island Alone 2/26/2022

 Good Morning,

The air here is cold and crisp . Last' night's fire in the hearth still had some embers glowing this morning and the house is still pretty warm. A very hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee is warming my insides and now it is time to write. 

Yesterday was a busy day for me professionally and besides that, winter gave us some snow to deal with. I am blessed to have a wife who doesn't mind getting out in the cold to shovel some snow with me. A few of our neighbors were also out of town and it was my turn to remove snow for them. They have always helped me when I needed it. So you could say that the law of the harvest was applied yesterday.  God is good. It didn't take too long to clean up the snowy mess. 

During my day I was able to chat with a young fella who let on that he is struggling personally. At that moment, snow removal became last on my mind. This young guy needed to talk. While he was talking about his thoughts I was listening and praying at the same time. My heart was hurting for this guy. At the same time it was rejoicing in the fact that we could talk candidly and I could show that I truly cared. 

I will get right to the point today. Everyone struggles now and then and each struggle is different. For men, who are wired to be able to fix things, we often go through struggles alone and keep things to ourselves. It can get pretty desolate on the island we place ourselves. I have been there. And when you try to fix all that life throws at you alone, the more we get convinced that we can't succeed. We should try to have one person that we can confide in who will listen, offer biblical help, prayer and not be offended if called upon at 2:AM. We then should be that type of person in return. 

Friends, sometimes the troubles of life stick to us like glue and we need a little help in removing them. Like a liquid spill in the oven might need some abrasive cleaning to get rid of the mess, we might find that we need to be sharpened in our relationship with God, family, and others. The best sharpener I have found for my pocket knife is an iron hone. It removes the nicks in the blade and sharpens the steel.

A chat with another person who loves us and will tell it like it is, does the same for a heart and soul. When we place ourselves on an island of "I can do this alone" we take a pass on the resources God has placed here for us to use.  

Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. 

Genesis 2: 18. The the Lord God said. " It is not good for man to be alone." 

Proverbs 18:24 A man my have many friends, but there is one who sticks closer than a brother. 

I truly believe that all men need someone who is in their circle of friends who can be trusted to give advice, counsel, point them to God, and hold them accountable.

May God bless, your day! 


Friday, February 25, 2022

A Day To Reflect. 2/25/2022

 Good Morning,

I was up early and starting to remove a little snow. The Door County Mocha Mint Coffee is just what I needed to kick start this old body. 

As I start this day I also want to reflect on the last week. It was filled with blessings and a few disappointments. Each day in the week brought one or the other. It ended with war in Europe and to say the least as much as I hoped it would not happen, it did.  I am in prayer for many people and many different things. I found that my prayer list is mostly filled with requests for others. My list of blessings in the last two weeks has been more than I deserve. I truly mean that. I am grateful for the good news we received on my wife's health. It was a situation we did not want to face, but had to. The outcome was excellent. Praise God for that.

My point for today. We might allow ourselves to be consumed by grief, yet within the grief if we look hard there is a blessing we might see. Each day is filled with something. At times we need to look beyond the grief and see God at work further off behind the grief. He can use the bad things for good. 

Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done. 

God Bless,


Thursday, February 24, 2022

Prayer For Ukraine and Europe 2/24/2022

 Good Morning,

It snowed a little last night in my part of the world and the wind is quite brisk. Not too much clean up is required. So for now I will stay inside with my cup of Door County Jungle Bell Java Coffee to keep me warm.

Last night the local television was interrupted to bring us news that an invasion of Ukraine had begun. Russia has been massing troops along the border with Ukraine and now it looks like they have shown their true intent. Why am I writing this, when just about everyone knows about it? 

Here is what I can tell you about this war. People on both sides will die. Young, old, military, non military. A beautiful country will be torn up and hatred will grow. I never thought we would see a conflict like this in Europe that mimics World War Two in my life time. 

I mentioned the deaths that will occur on both sides and as governments seek a peaceful solution and sit in disbelief as I do and as many of you do, we have one action that we can all take. And that is to pray, and pray and then again pray some more. 

1 Timothy 2:1-2 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intersessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2. for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life, godly and dignified in every way. 

Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts in every way. 

I am in prayer for all of you to stay closer to God now and forever.


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Sounding Off 2/23/2022

 Good Morning,

It has been an icy night and the house is a little cold this morning. I just poured a hot mug of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and now it is time to write.

Our youngest dog Leo has a few weird habits. I want to zero in on one of them. At night my wife Rene gives each of our dogs a piece of rawhide to chew on. When Leo receives his, he runs off and barks like he is announcing that he has one. He does this every night. He just feels the need to sound off and be heard. 

Romans 14:13 Therefore let us not pass judgement on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother

Sometimes in life we run into people like Leo. They just talk and spout off for no reason whatsoever. I have tried to figure out why Leo does what he does, because his action makes no sense at all. My point is this, his little antics are not really a problem so we overlook the action and just let him be Leo. There is no harm in what he is doing. I don't see a need to correct it. 

So now and then as we run into Leo like people who like to be heard but really have nothing to say, we should be nice and just let them speak. Sometimes we just need to be tolerant of the funny little quirks that other people possess. So before you point out the quirk of another person, be kind and check yourself out. Maybe you have strange habit or two. 


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Purpose Of A Man 2/22/2022

 Good Morning,

It's time for a hot cup of Door County Black And Tan Coffee and some time to write down some thoughts.

James Daughtry wrote, "The starting place for understanding the purpose of man is in the Bible, beginning with the book of Genesis. In Genesis 1:26-28 we read that God created man in His own image." 

Genesis 1:26-28 Then God said " Let us make mankind in our own image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish of the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals and all the creatures that move along the ground. 27. So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. 28. God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.

Man is unique by this fact. None of the animals, nor anything else made in the likeness of God. In having dominion over the birds, fish and over every living thing. God exalted man above all His creation. 

Daughtry continues. "After God creates Adam, we immediately see Adam reflecting His Creator. Just as God gave names to His creation, Adam begins to give names. Also, Adam reflects His Creator in doing work. As God did work in creating the world, Adam works in the Garden of Eden."

In chapters 1-3 of Genesis we see that God has directed a high degree of responsibility on man.  The challenges to all men are great. But God created man with extraordinary intellect and marvelous capabilities. This allows man to fulfill his role. This is sad. Because many men misunderstand their role or just plain neglect their role. They simply do not fulfill their God given responsibilities. 

The key element to being a man is to take up the responsibilities that God has set forth for him throughout the entire Bible. The first one is to reflect God in our actions and deeds. 

Some heavy thoughts for a Tuesday. 

Guys the job description is tough. But God made us tougher and He stands alongside of us to give us strength.


Monday, February 21, 2022

Bad Connection And I lived Through It. 2/21/2022

 Good Morning,

I am sitting quite comfortably in our den writing today with a hot cup of Door County Christmas Coffee at my side and two dogs sitting on my feet. 

Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save. He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by his love; He will exult over you with song. 

I have not written since the 18th. I traveled this last weekend for a short retreat to celebrate my birthday. And believe it or not I actually was in a remote spot where no matter what I did I could not obtain internet service. Most of the time I did not have cell phone service either. You could say that I was "off the grid".

I enjoyed my time away and actually found time to rest and take a nap. It felt good to unplug and rewind a little. I was able to forget about the world for a little while and enjoy the outdoors. It was as if I walked away from life and closed the door on it for a couple of days. I had plenty of time to pray and think. But soon enough my short respite ended and it was time to come home and get back to life as it is. 

My thought for today is this. There are times when life just seems to have a choke hold on us and we just rush from situation to situation, and from problem to problem. Then there are just plain old responsibilities that you just cannot run from. 

But whether it is for two days, a week or fifteen minutes, it is good to unplug, rewind, and rest your heart, mind and soul. I was gifted by God to actually see an elk herd during my travels. The state in which I live has started to try and establish elk into the massive woods available to us. I have read about it but have never seen any elk while out hunting for other game. During my vacation from the world God showed to me a herd that is establishing itself and living free. I knew on Saturday night that God [painted a scene for me and it was beautiful to see. Although unplugged from the world I could not unplug from God. He was nurturing a busy heart, mind and soul. I just needed to take some time to stop and rest with Him.


Friday, February 18, 2022

Used To Be Three Of Us 2/18/2022

 Good Morning,

A hot cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee is warming my insides and prayer has warmed my heart. It is time to write.

Numbers 6:24-26 The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up is countenance upon you, and give you peace. 

A friend of mine has the same birthday as I do. We will always wish each other a hearty "happy birthday" and talk about getting older. We used to have a mutual friend with the same birthday. This is quite unique to have three guys who know each other share  the same birthday. I guess triplets would say that it is pretty common. But for us we all started out in different years and different locations. 

Where am I going with this? A couple of years ago the oldest of us three passed away and now there are only two of us. The three of us never really did anything to celebrate the day together. It is a regret that I have and decided that this year the last two of us will get together this weekend and celebrate the life the Lord has blessed us with. I threw out and idea of something to do to my buddy and we both decided that it was a good one and we made plans to hunt together on our birthday and of course dine out afterwards. We can't bring back the third guy, but he will be fondly remembered. He was known to like a good meal and plenty of it. 

You've been given one life and although each year alive is a milestone in itself, don't forget to stop and enjoy your birthday and give thanks to God for another year. Then make each year count and try not to forget those who have come across the path of your life and have influenced you. Be thankful for them and if they are still alive pray for them. The third fella who went to heaven was always the first to call me and wish me a happy birthday. It's funny you don't miss something or someone until they are gone.

Choose to live with no regrets.


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Trimming A Few Branches 2/17/2022

 Good Morning,

I await a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and some ham and eggs for breakfast. So as soon as I am done writing the pan is going to sizzle and breakfast will be just moments away.

John 15:2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.

In a couple of weeks it will be time to trim some apple trees on our property. When I do this and I am surrounded by a few dead branches and there are pruning's from some good branches I often think of the verse above. I look at the mess I make with the trimming and it often reflects what my life looks like. My life at times looks like a Class A mess. It's at these times that if I slow down enough to assess the mess, I see the Heavenly Vine Dresser has been trimming away some of the junk in my life or He has decided that I could do more and He is freeing up some time for me to serve His Kingdom.

Trials that come our way just might be a heavenly pruning that has entered a season of your life and when it is over you will bear more fruit for God.

Have a great day and try to see a mess for what it might be!

God bless,


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Defending Yourself 2/16/2022

 Good Morning,

I just poured a hot cup of Door County Hazelnut Cream Coffee and soaked a cookie in the steaming cookie softener. What a day this will be.

I find it funny that in less than a week I had a discussion with people about self defense and the Bible. With more and more violence taking place the discussion as to whether or not a Christian should own and carry weapons is being more than bantered around. 

I for one believe in defending my property and my family. I own a gun and know how to use it. Before I would let someone harm my family they would warned and do well to stop. I hunt a lot, and shoot as a hobby now and then so there are other reason why I own a gun. 

King David praised God for preparing him for war. Psalm 144:1 Blessed be the Lord, who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle. Note also the apostles were armed. Peter pulled his sword on the night that Jesus was arrested. Jesus healed the man Peter cut, but note they were armed and Jesus knew it. 

Christians should only own weapons for purposes that honor God. Hunting, sport shooting, military, or peacekeeping,  along with self defense are ways that owning a weapon honors God. 

1 Corinthians 10:23 All things are lawful , but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful, but not all things build up. A person should reflect on his or her motives for owning a particular weapon. 

Every Christian should obey and practice all gun laws. Romans 13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. 

The choice to be armed is a personal one and I won't tell people what they should do. They need to make a decision that works for them and gives them peace. 

Have a great day. 


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Gatorade Bath And Mother 2/15/2022

 Good Morning,

A day without Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee is not going to happen today. The coffee is brewing as I write. 

Psalm 71:9 Do not cast me off in the time of old age. Forsake me not when my strength is spent. 

Last night my mother in law gave us a call just to chat and and shoot the breeze for awhile. She just wanted to talk about the Super Bowl played on Sunday. She gave me a full commentary on the game and her opinion of the half time show.

She was very complimentary toward both teams but had a soft spot for the quarterback for the LA Rams. I listened to her and it was apparent that she had watched the whole game. I was amazed that at 94 years old, pushing 95 that she would watch the whole game. I asked her what she thought of the commercials. 

"They were ok. I really wish they would do more with the big horses" I assumed she was talking about the Budweiser Clydesdale horses. We talked for about thirty minutes and she was very alive and well. 

 I watched about 5 minutes of the game and had other things to do. I love football, but just was too busy to devote a few hours to the game. My mother in law enjoyed the whole game and couldn't wait to talk about of all things the Gatorade Bath at the end. 

This call was important to her and she laughed and talked with a voice that seemed a lot younger just because she had something important to say and someone would laugh with her. Best 30 minutes I have spent in a long time. So today, make that call to your own parents or in laws because you will probably enjoy it more than they do. They have something to say! It might just make your day.


Monday, February 14, 2022

Slow Down. You Are Walking Too Fast. 2/14/2022

 Good Morning. 

Duty calls and I am headed to work soon. I had a cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee and my breakfast already and it is time to write. 

Galatians 6:2 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 

I love to watch toddlers walk and take in all there is to see around them. I understand that as adults we have schedules to keep and all too often there is an urgency to be on time in our daily journey. I was able to visit a museum last week with my family and there was so much to see. It was easy to get wrapped up in one exhibit and before you knew it the family had moved on to the next item of interest and you were behind them, or maybe looking for them.

One man in particular was holding the hand of what I would say was a two year old little girl. He was very tall and his gait was much lengthier than hers. He walked and she was running to keep up. The little girl was also distracted by all the things she was seeing and it made their travel more difficult. I don't know why he was in such a hurry so I will not judge that part of my observance. What did cross my mind was this. "She can't keep up with you. Why don't you pick her up and carry her"? 

The point I am attempting to drive home is this. We all have a different pace to our lives and each person travels through circumstances on a different time frame or sense of urgency. Sometimes we need to just slow down ourselves and let them enjoy the season they are in. In other times when to hurry is called for some folks cannot pick up the emotional pace. Although they are moving forward they just cannot seem to get to the finish line. It's times like these when it is more important to help by carrying them (not literally) by showing them the way and helping them. Someone might be grieving a loss and just can't get moving along with life. A perfectly kept house is a mess like never seen before. We could carry the load for awhile and do a little cleaning for them. We could show up and take them out for a walk, a drive or lunch. Or we could just sit and listen to them. They can't keep up for now and we have to slow down and bring them along or help them to rest.  Some people need to take it all in and be in the moment. We cannot drag them through it. We need to slow down and bring them along at their pace.

Sounds simple to me.

Have a great day. 


Sunday, February 13, 2022

When The Coffee Cools Off 2/13/2022

 Good Morning,

Let me say this on a cold frigid morning. I am glad to have a roof over my head and a fire in the hearth

Today my analogy will come from the Door County Chocolate Caramel Truffle Coffee I am drinking as I write.  I always preheat my  mug before I pour coffee into it. It helps a little to not have the coffee cool down too quickly. After pouring the hot liquid into the mug, I microwave the morning joy for an extra 19 seconds which I find produces the perfect cup of coffee. 

Song Of Solomon 7:6 How beautiful and pleasant you are, O loved one, with all of your delights. 

This sounds extreme and somewhat strange to most people. And I will admit that it is. But the coffee is mine and I know what I like.  The coffee mugs I use aren't expensive, but they are special to me. Each one has a photo on it of a loved one, or a special moment in time on them. For instance the one I am using today has a picture of my dad, my grandfather, my great great grandfather and me on it. We all shared the same first name and all three of them were hard workers which reminds me every day to work hard at what I do. 

The problem with my mugs is that they are all porcelain and they hold a temperature fairly well. But sooner than later the coffee cools off. I have tried these new insulated coffee tumblers and they keep the coffee hit longer , but then the memories are not printed on them. Someone gave me an electric mug that plugs in and it worked pretty well until it overheated and burned me. That one got tossed out quickly.

The only thing that works for me is to drink my coffee before it gets cold and the replenish it with another hot mug filled to the top, and warmed for 19 seconds after pouring. 

By now you are ready to stop reading this and I do not blame you. My analogy for the day is this. As coffee cools and just isn't the same so are relationships. Tomorrow is Valentines Day and I will tell you the importance of occasions like these. They are reminders to invest time in keeping your marriage, or dating relationships fresh. Avoid taking one another for granted and infuse some freshness into a cooled but content cup of love. It doesn't take too much to warm things up a little. And as I wrote, the coffee cools and does not have the original zing of that first sip, but it can be made new with a little effort on my part. 

So here is the challenge. Whatever works for you, do it, and keep the love and romance alive and fresh each day, but especially today! 


Saturday, February 12, 2022

Father In Heaven, Hear My Cry 2/12/2022

 Good Morning,

Here I sit in a nice warm den this morning, sipping on a hot cup of Door County Irish Cream Coffee and watching the sun come up. It is time to write 

I experienced a good night of sleep last night and as I crawled out of bed to greet a very cold day I was grateful for the warmth of the house and my coffee. 

Yesterday I received the news that the son of one of our pastors was hospitalized with breathing issues. This little fella was born prematurely and for the longest time could not come home from the hospital. He finally did come home and we all rejoiced and I still do. But it seems as if he has hit a set back. Once again we are praying for this little baby. 

I listened to a little bit of the morning news and it seems like we have two countries in Europe that are positioned for war with each other. This one could draw in the rest of the world and be a catastrophe for all. So yes, this is another major prayer request. 

So as I sit in the solace of my den, major issues draw me to pray. God invites us to pray and in many situations asks us to cry out and dump our fears on to Him. That is exactly what I did today and I will accept His answer even if I don't like it. 

So today, might have you seeking the same things I am praying about or you have your own list of worries and issues. I have listed  below a few passages to assist us today as we pray.

Psalm 4:1 Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: Thou has enlarged me when I was in distress, have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer. 

Psalm 5:1 Give ear to my word o Lord. Consider my mediation.

Psalm 102:1 Hear my prayer, O Lord. And let my cry come to you. 

Jeremiah 33:3 Call out to me and I will answer you. I will show you great and mighty things which you have not seen. 

Love to all.


Friday, February 11, 2022

Four Month Victory 2/11/2022

 Good Morning,

My desk chair seems to be a little harder to sit on this morning. It could be that a 12 hour drive yesterday has me just a little stiff and sore. I just poured some Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee and not it is time to write. 

1Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil rams about like a roaring lion, seeking those whom he may devour. 

Last night while driving home from a visit to celebrate Christmas with our daughter and grandson I received a text from a friend. He was celebrating four months of sobriety and he was sharing the good news. I am very proud of his accomplishments. He is a good man, like many are, who just got sideways in life. I know of two men who pray for him every day. 

I don't believe he knows this. His sobriety has changed him in many ways and at times when speaking with him it is like I am speaking to a different person. He has dropped sarcasm from his vocabulary and is more loving and supportive of others. 

He is more of a man of prayer than he was before and I would and will go to him with prayer concerns. It is amazing how one big change in a life has such a trickle down impact on other areas of a life. 

I give God the praise, honor and glory for the change in my buddy. I credit my friend with sticking to his classes and his determination to change. 

The lesson for the day though is this. I will be praying extra hard for him now. Because, after this victory Satan will do everything he can to help my friend fall off of the wagon of sobriety. He doesn't like to see God's children be victorious. So friends, don't stop praying for those who have overcome addictions. They always face the attacks of one who would love to see them fall and fail. Satan knows where their sweet spot is and will go right for their weakness. I can't wait until he tells me that he made it a year. And he will!

Have a great day.


Thursday, February 10, 2022

I'd Like To Buy The World A Coke 2/20/2022

 Good Morning,

I am drinking a cup of coffee and for the life of me I cannot recall the brand or the flavor. I just know for sure that it was brewed with love. 

We have been traveling and visiting family for a few days. Due to unforeseen circumstances we finally celebrated Christmas with our daughter and grandson. Life doesn't always go according to the schedule we set and you adapt and overcome. 

Romans 12;16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud or conceited. Associate with all people. 

Yesterday our travels took us to Atlanta and we visited "The World of Coke". I guess you would call it the Coke Museum. It had everything you ever wanted to know about the history of Coca Cola from it's early start to present day. The displays brought back many memories for me and my wife. 

Back in 1971 Coca Cola produced a commercial that had a bunch of young people singing a song in harmony and it represented the world. It was a diverse group of people and in the song there was a wish for them to buy the world a Coke and keep it company. I remember that commercial well. 

I found myself humming the tune in my mind as we went through the rest of the day. As I write this morning, I believe we missed the mark somewhere in 1971. The time was ripe for change and the world was tired of war. Had nations actually sat down and tried to be friendly who knows what the world would be like now. 

So if I could, I would buy the world a Coke and sit down in harmony today at least for a few hours.


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Lessons Learned 2/9/2022

 Good Morning,

One more day without Door County Coffee and then I will enjoy a couple of cups The flavor has yet to be determined. 

Proverbs 21:11 When the scoffer is punished, the simple one is made wise. But when the wise is instructed, he receives knowledge. 

If one were to sum up a fact of life there is no doubt  we could say that one's life is a series of lessons learned. In the beginning of a life the lessons are more numerous than later in life. There is more to learn when we are young and the expectations are more intense. 

For instance, everyone rejoices when a baby can start to feed themselves. The hands on approach to eating spaghetti is cute and still efficient. But by the time you reach the age of 21 the cuteness of red hands and pasta in your hair has long worn off. There is the expectation that before 5 years of age you will have mastered a spoon and fork.

You might say that the world turns on lessons learned. When we achieve our old age there are still lessons to be learned. For one, you can't physically do all the things you did back when you were in your twenties. Weight is harder to lose when you get older and resting is more important.

My point for the day is this. Lessons to be learned will approach us until we die. The important thing is to embrace that fact, learn the lesson and move on to the next. The world does not slow down or stop turning to wait on us to learn a lesson. so get going on the lesson you are in right now and graduate to the next one. 


Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Hat For A Friend 2/8/2022

 Good Morning,

I wish I could say I was drinking some Door County Coffee this morning but that isn't going to happen today. I am not whining today,  I have a very good reason for being coffee free this morning. 

Yesterday I took some time and spent it with my wife and we went antique shopping. It was pretty uneventful for the most part. Rene did however point out a couple ideas she had that would be a project or two for me. I am trying to avoid too many projects at this point in my life. I ended up with three, maybe four. I am glad I am not a bull fighter, I can't seem to avoid anything. 

Deuteronomy 28:2 All these blessing will come to you and accompany you, if you obey the Lord your God. 

In one particular antique shop there was a display of old women's hats. We have a friend who wears dress hats and we thought of her. I sent our friend a photo of the hat display and she inquired about one of the hats and wanted a few more details. We were already across the street when I saw the text reply. We went back and sent another photo or two. While in the shop Rene held up another hat and I sent a close up photo of that one. Out friend decided to purchase that one instead. I thought the hat was a little high priced and told Rene that I was going to try to negotiate a lesser price. Rene walked far away from me and said "just pay what they are asking for" . I said "no." Half of the fun of spending this time with her is haggling about prices. I was able to get a 10% discount from the shop owner and that boosted my male ego a little. We will see our friend on Sunday, she will receive her hat and I boosted my testosterone level a little, Rene was happy spending other peoples money and so it was a great day.

My point is this. It was a simple outing, but it was a good one. We made the best of an opportunity and also made the day better for someone else. So today, whatever it presents, just roll with it and make it work for you and others. Share your day with others!

God bless,


Monday, February 7, 2022

Here Come The Weddings 2/7/2022

 Good Morning,

It won't be too much longer and I will be enjoying a hot cup of Door County Cherry Cream Coffee and a small breakfast. 

But for now it is time to write. Yesterday my wife Rene and I were discussing this upcoming summer and how busy it is going to be. In July we will be attending two weddings that are two weeks apart. Two of our nephews will be saying the Big I Do and a third just announced his engagement and we are waiting on the date for that one. 

Psalm 85:10 Love and faithfulness meet together,. Righteousness and peace kiss each other. 

We were given plenty of notice as to when these big days would be. The calendars were cleared and our plans except for something unforeseen are set in stone to be there. I am sure some of you reading this are in the same boat and will be attending a wedding or two yourselves. Some of you might be standing up in the wedding and participating as a best man, or maid of honor. Some of you might not hold those two positions of importance but you are in the wedding party. 

Rene and I will get all spiffed up and we will be there. I for one have already been attending without being seated in a church or other venue. I have made sure to be praying for these big events. Weddings can be very stressful for a bride and groom as well as their families. So I decided that long before the date arrives I will be part of the wedding just by praying for all those involved which includes all of the wedding vendors.   

My prayers for the bride and groom are specific to the wedding and that it can be a blessed, happy and incident free occasion. I am sure that they won't know this is happening, but I consider this as their elder statesman in the family to be my honor and duty to do so, 

My point is this. Long before they say I do is when you need to start praying. Offer to help if needed. Jesus attended a wedding as a guest. When the celebration ran out of wine Jesus stepped in and showed compassion by turning water into wine. He saved the families the embarrassment of not having enough wine. So if needed roll up your sleeves to help. And you might just want to dance a little.

God bless,


Saturday, February 5, 2022

February The Love Month 2/6/2022

 Good Morning,

I woke up this morning and I am grateful to be awake and on my feet. I have a goal ahead of me today and it's going to get accomplished. 

Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. 

Yesterday, I attended a conference for men with a friend of mine. I don't get to spend a lot of time with him and yesterday started with breakfast and then the conference. We took in some study modules and attended all that they had to offer. It was a great day and we both walked away better men for having been there. We both took notes and I had a few that I emailed to myself. 

In February we celebrate or observe Valentines Day. I call February the month of love as couples wedded or still single schmooze each other with gifts and affection. I for one will be purchasing some sugar free chocolates from a confectionary that has just what the Mrs. likes.

Now the "Month of Love" still has 27 other days in it and Valentines day is just one day. Although some folks like to observe it for three days if possible. I am the one and done day kind of guy. The other 27 days can be normal days, great days or bad days. One thought that stood out from the conference, was this. "Choose Your Battles". Those of us who are married or will soon be married know that One Day in February can be shot down in a heart beat by turmoil on any of the other 27 days. 

It is no secret that husbands and wives don't always see eye to eye on a lot of things. But some things just don't warrant any attention at all and certainly are not battle worthy. Choose your battles wisely. When I say battles now I am not talking shouting matches, knock down drag out fights, or name calling. But we all know that on certain subjects it is not really worthy of entering the arena of disagreement. For instance, while traveling and if we need to stop for lunch or fuel I will always ask, "where do you want to eat or where would you feel best about fuel or a restroom.?" The reply is 99%  of the time "I don't care". I will ask again giving a suggestion and I will receive a different answer much to the contrary of I don't care. I will hear a "oh not that place" . This usually goes on for at least two places to eat or pee.

I don't mind saying that this hasn't changed in 1001 years. When we were first married I would pull over after place # two and pee by the side of the road out in the woods and then come back and say that I am not hungry. "let me know if you see something of interest at the next exit." Wow that used to make for some awful quiet traveling! Being older now and wanting to enjoy my travel more I have just learned to choose my battles and the inability to just say where you would like to eat instead of treating it like a game show where the guest driver has to guess until rising blood pressure gives him a stroke is not worthy of a dig in and die in the trench type of battle. 

I believe two Christian people can and should have a marriage that is a battle free zone and the couple should operate in synch with God always and strive for putting each other first. I will dig in on a couple of subjects and not budge. My wife knows what they are and she respects the fact that no matter what, I am not budging at all. So there has been not one battle over those two subjects, although I believe she doesn't agree with me 100%. 

You see my friends, one battle can ruin a month or worse cause a marriage to tilt a little. No need to battle, but if you decide that a stand must be taken, choose that battle wisely and see if it is even worth bringing up. If it isn't truly harmful, is it worth a battle anyway? Swallow your pride and back away. Some things just aren't worth fighting about. 

God bless,


No Regrets 2/5/2022

 Good Morning,

This day started early for and it it going to be a late one tonight. I hot cup of Door County Hazelnut Cream Coffee is by my side and it is time to write. 

2 Peter 2:22 What the true proverb says has happened to them: The dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, returns to wallow in the mire. 

Today I will be attending a men's conference titled "No regrets". It is an inspirational event held at a local church and is open to all men. 

As I was preparing my heart and mind for attending last night, I asked myself this question. " Hey Buddy! Do you have any regrets?" It did not take me very long to compile a list in my head that would make you choke. My list was basically a regrets list built upon all the mistakes I made in a life that I never thought would last this long. 

My biggest regrets were the times when I repeated dumb mistakes. The times I returned to the trough of sin. The second biggest list were of opportunities that I did not take when given the chance. My third biggest list were opportunities I accepted and didn't pray about them and only saw them fail.

I would like to say that from this day forward I will live a life of no regrets. We all know that statement has little or no hope for success. It could! but chances are I will screw it up somehow. Better yet, I would like to strive to live a life of no regrets. 

Only by the grace of God is this possible and it will require more prayer and time in His Word. 

Take it one day at a time. Don't plan tomorrow. Live this day with no regrets. 


Friday, February 4, 2022

The Lonesome Train 2/4/2022

 Good Morning,

The house is cold right now, but a fire was started in the hearth and there are flames starting to produce some heat. A hot cup of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee will be waiting for me very soon. 

Proverbs 2:2 Making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding.

When I woke up this morning it was very quiet and it still is. But, what I noticed as I rubbed my eyes while searching for my slippers was the distant sound of a train blowing it's horn before the railroad crossings. You could hear it cut through the cold and darkness while it was still a long way away. Without the background noise of barking dogs or automobiles yet, the horn was the only noise in town. To me it sounded lonely as it called out it's warning.

There is a lesson here. We are all individuals with something to say. We are wired to be social. Some folks are more social than others and can take over a room with their presence. Others are less than social, yet desire to be heard. We need to be careful not to stifle those who say little, by ignoring them, just because they rarely speak, The train has only one message and it can go for miles and miles without needing to speak, but when it blows that horn, it has something of importance to say. 

So today, being Friday, end the week on a positive note and try to be more inclusive. Wait just a little longer in your weekly meeting to see if someone has anything to say. Keep the office door open for the shy one who doesn't sound off in a meeting, but might show up for a private chance to share a thought. Those folks are out there and also have something to say. And like the lonely train horn in the middle of the night, they do their job even when no one is listening. 

Have a great day.


Thursday, February 3, 2022

Pass The Finger Please. A Little Lighter Fare For Thursday 2/3/2022

 Good Morning,

I just poured a hot mug of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee and I am taking my sweet time drinking it today. So let's write.

Ecclesiastes 3:4 A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. 

I looked back over the last two weeks and some of my daily writing has been pretty heavy . So today after some prayer I am convinced that I need to lighten it up, sweeten it up and cheer it up a little. 

My wife is type 1 diabetic and it's not too often that we even have any sweet stuff in the house. Many years ago while Rene was drinking some unsweetened lemonade I saw her grimace after the first swig. She had just begun experimenting with sugar substitutes. I was the one who mentioned to her that instead of going without some pleasures, she should try the sweeteners that were hitting the markets. I rationalized that she had already been drinking Sugar Free Dr. Pepper. I have to tell you that after drinking the lemonade without enough sweetener added her face matched the flavor. "Old Sourpuss" needed some help. She reached for another two packages of the sweetener and I took them away from her. I said. "no need for more. I have this covered." I put my index finger into her drink and stirred. My next comment floored her. "I am sweet enough for you and I will make that drink taste sweeter than anything you can imagine" I retrieved my finger from her drink, licked off the lemon juice and sad "try that".

The look she gave me was priceless. I was told if I wanted my finger broke, "just stir that lemonade one more time". Then both of us broke into laughter and as Rene walked away she mumbled something about marrying a stooge. She said I was all three stooges rolled into one. 

We still laugh about that one and I still use the line now and then. But my goal was complete today, by having the laugh I was looking for. I needed some humor to start the day. 

God bless,


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Half Way Through The Week. 2/2/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began with a hot cup of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee and some prayer. So let's go.

This week is half over and I feel like I have been moving, but not going anywhere. I am happy to say that it's just a momentary feeling and should be gone in a day or two. 

Proverbs 4:25 let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. 

Two thoughts on weeks like this. 

1. Control what you can control and realize the sun does not rise or set on your rear end. What's important to you might not be important to others.

2. You've had weeks like this before, when you feel like you are the hamster on the wheel to no where. And yet you are reading this and you can recall a week like this. So you survived to live and carry on. Know this. There will be more weeks like this. 

So suck it up and keep going. 


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

In God's Hands 2/1/2022

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying the quiet of our den this morning. A hot mug of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee is within reach and now it is time to write.

Last Saturday night during our monthly prayer meeting at church a prayer request was brought up to the small group of prayer warriors gathered there. In our community there was a house fire and a small boy was burned over 80% of his body. He was in critical condition at a local hospital. Our group has a heart for all prayer requests especially for little children. They quickly adopted this little boy into their hearts and their prayer list. His family was also a focal point of prayer. 

John 10:29 My Father. who has given them to me, is greater than all, an no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.

As I thought about our new little friend I could only imagine what pain that little man was in. As a teenager I spent a week in the local burn hospital. I wasn't burnt, but was there for an eye injury. I was placed on the children's burn floor probably due to a high census elsewhere in the hospital. Later in life I realized why I was there. During my stay I had both eyes covered for healing. My other senses seemed to kick in and work harder. So I could hear these burned children pleading in pain for their mom. When they would take the kids for wound debriding these children would scream at the top of their lungs as they were headed for wound care. Often I could hear their  screams through the door of the treatment room. As much as I was worried about the future of my eyesight, I was grateful to be in a hospital and not burned like a potato chip. I wasn't a believer back then, but I still found myself saying a prayer for those poor kids.

Psalm 16:11 You make know to me the path of life, in your presence there is fullness of joy. At your right hand are pleasures forever more. 

Getting back to our prayer for this little boy. He passed away the next day and for some reason I felt like a hollow log, rotted on the inside and barely solid on the outside. Now I believe this little boy is in heaven with our Lord Jesus. He is in no pain and enjoying his new life. My prayer has increased more for his family to be able to recover from the loss of their cherished son. I am not sure you ever fully recover from the loss of a child. We prayed for his recovery here on Earth, yet God totally healed him by taking the little boy home. I truly feel bad for these parents, yet God has filled this hollow log with peace, because I know this child is in God's hands. 

Love to all.
