Sunday, June 14, 2020

Thank You For This Day 6/14/2020

Good Morning,

I am smiling at the thought of writing today. I am running behind a little this morning. I spent too much time soaking in some sunrise this morning. It was a beautiful sky and watching our two dogs running around and just being dogs made it easy to let time slip away. I am looking forward to making some cherry pancakes in a short while. So as I sit here letting the breeze blow on me and while drinking a large cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee it is time to write.

1 Chronicles 16:34  Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever. 

I am going to ask you to do something today besides read. I want you to look out and find a thing of beauty. For some it might be the person sitting across the table from you. For me, I can see a nested robin who actually thinks that she is hidden and assumes that I cannot see her. She has chased our two dogs around a couple of times letting them know that they are too close to her nest.

I want you to capture your scene in your mind as if you were taking a photo. Then close your eyes and thank God for this day and what you saw.

 I cheated and took a peek to the right and I see a garden that has some phenomenal squash plants growing. I closed my eyes snapped my mind photo and what I aw was a cold winter day, with hot squash bread coming out of the oven.

I have had a peaceful morning and I know not all people can say this. Some are fighting off the Covid
  virus  today or other horrible diseases. Some are fighting injustice and hurt. Some are fighting confusion. But in the midst of all this you might see the caring eyes of someone behind a mask. God sent those eyes to you. It might be the flower you see or the turkey strolling through your yard. It could be the sunrise like I watched. It could be your children with syrup dripping down their chin that is the thing of beauty you see. Dear Friends, in the middle of all these things God just sent you something to say "Hey I am here and  I just sent you something to help you with this day.

Then all you need to do is admit that it was God who sent you something to see and say thank you. He thought about you today and made sure you saw something He did just for you.  Save that photo album of your mind and add to it tomorrow.

You are loved.



  1. We need to slow down and take notice of God's beautiful handiwork on earth. It does the heart and soul good to embrace and appreciate the things that our Haevenly Father has done. From a heart rendering beautiful snowy evening in the neighborhood of my youth on 32nd and Vliet street, to the beauty and incomprehensible vastness of the stars.
