Monday, June 29, 2020

God Made Little Green Apples 6/29/2020

Good Morning,

Monday arrived as promised and it is going to be a hot one here. Summer showed up and the freezing cold of January is just a memory now. I have some work to do today and I am looking forward to getting it done and going home. I like working but getting home to some ice cold sweet peach tea will be on my mind around noon.  This morning my mug is filled with Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee and now it is time to write.

Psalm 128:2 You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. 

Yesterday I was doing the weekly yard work and a few other chores around our home. While mowing the grass I surveyed the apple trees to see if any apples have appeared. I haven't really looked them over in the last few weeks. I was very pleased to find that all three trees were heavily loaded with little green apples. I will be tending to the trees now a little more as the heat hits and a supply of water will be needed every other day.

I walked away from the trees last night and prayed once more for the apple harvest. We are hoping to have more apples to share than last year. God did His best and loaded the trees. Now it is my turn to assist and feed them and water them when it doesn't rain. I will also spray them to prevent insect attacks.

In my prayer, I asked for a great harvest. God could easily provide it, yet He chooses to include me in the process. We are here on this earth to work and serve others. For some reason those apples mean more to me when I do some of the work. God allows me to partner with Him. He provides the rain and sun as well as the bees that float from blossom to blossom in the spring. I do the menial chores and I also get to enjoy the harvesting. Rene and I will dine on pie, applesauce and drink cider this winter. God allows us to enjoy the fruit of our labor. Most of all we can share apples or apple products with others. I find this simply amazing!

I enjoy working with God on things like this. Is God speaking to you and asking you to join Him in some type of work today? I recommend you say yes. I see the apple miracle every year and I am satisfied by the work of my hands.

God bless,


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