Saturday, June 13, 2020

God Bless The Farmers 6/13/2020

Good Morning,

I just sat down to write and next to me is a large cup of Door County Hazelnut Creme Coffee and It is steaming hot.

2 Timothy 2:6 It is the hard working farmer who ought ton have the first share of the crops.

Yesterday my wife Rene and I were able to eat breakfast together. Breakfast together doesn't happen all that often. It was a simple meal with some fried eggs from a cast iron pan, bacon, and some fresh baked rolls. I had coffee to drink and Rene sipped on orange juice. We each had some peach slices to top it all off.

We prayed a prayer of thankfulness for the food. During our prayer Rene thanked God for farmers.  I said to her "good prayer", She replied "Think about it for a minute. Can you picture us raising chickens so we can eat eggs? How much wheat do you think we could grow on our property? I don't think oranges will grow in this climate.  When was the last time you tried making butter? If I remember correctly we ended up throwing it out." She was definitely correct in her thinking. I reminded her that without water and sunshine even the best of farmers couldn't grow anything. Let alone feed their chickens. She conceded that God overall gave us farmers, sunshine and rain.

When you thank God for the food of the day, remember to thank him for the people He put behind the food. To end it all she said this. "Thank you God for the farmers who grow and provide a lot of our food. And one more thing Lord, I'd love to see Marty harvest eggs on a chicken farm just once without shooting the chickens and having the dog retrieve the eggs.

But in all seriousness, God bless all farmers.


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