Monday, June 22, 2020

Simple Values 6/22/2020

Good Morning,

Monday arrived as promised and I can't see Friday just yet. My mug was just filled with Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee and now it is time to write.

I can usually tell if a person is a a God fearing Christian just by watching them. It is totally noticeable if they are living the values of God. Now I am not talking about the Ten Commandments. Those ten laws are absolute and one by one they should be practiced. Don't kill, don't lie, don't commit adultery are all one by one very solid and can be easily understood.

I have wondered if I possess the values of God and if they are ingrained in my daily life. I sought God for wisdom on this and the values of God are also absolute without wiggle room. I believe a person exhibiting the values of God will want to keep His laws. Yet showing the values of God in our life is more likely to show who we believe in and who we want to emulate. And at times exhibiting the values is harder to do than obeying the law. For instance, forgiving others for their wrong doings toward you and showing them mercy goes against all human emotions. Yet showing mercy is what God values and expects us to do.

Micah 6:8 What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. 

If we are walking humbly with God we will find it easier to love mercy, show mercy and to always act justly. If we are humble before God it is easier to dole out forgiveness as we continually remember that we are just sinners saved by grace and mercy.

This is a little heavy for a Monday morning, but let's set our sight high and start the week living the values of God.


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