Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Prayer Is Never A Waste Of Time. 6/16/2020

Good Morning,

The day began slowly for me this morning. It unfolded itself with a sunrise that lit up the house like a search light. The air is starting to warm up and you can feel it's smile on your face. I am enjoying a large cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee.

Let's talk about prayer today.The Bible tells us " the prayer of faith will save the sick.

James 5:15  And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.

Yet I bet that all of us can remember a time or two when we prayed for healing and it did not happen. I am experiencing that right now as I pray for a friend.  I asked myself, "does that mean that God is not listening?"  I thought to myself that my faith must be too weak, or I haven't a fervent prayer in my body. I struggled with this fruitless pursuit as to why some are healed and some are not.  I concluded that the answer to this question will remain a mystery until I finish my Earthly walk and get to heaven.

I truly believe that I can never say that my prayer was wasted time. Although I did not experience the change in a situation and receive the miracle I sought. The prayer time always changes me. Through my prayer time I always become more aware of God's presence. Through prayer my spiritual strength and spiritual stamina increases. Through prayer I am not facing these issues alone. Fear leaves, and the pain of heartache is subdued.  I no longer feel alone. God is with me me, renewing my spirit, soul and assisting in carrying the burdens when they become too much to bear by myself. Prayer time allows me to say "Thy will be done" and leave the rest up to God.

Just some thoughts from my heart to yours.



  1. As you have taught us, God's answer may be yes,or no,or not now. It may also be are you faithful enough to keep coming back to Me as the widow to the unjust judge
